Change Data Library using JS (CHGDLJS)

The Change Data Library using JS (CHGDLJS) command allows you to change the monitor designator for a data library. The monitor designator determines whether a data library (Scheduling Environment) can be monitored. A Scheduling Environment must be monitored in order for scheduled jobs to submit automatically.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
DTALIB Data library Name Required, Key, Positional 1
MON Monitor *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 2
MONJOBNAM Monitor job name Name, *SAME Optional
AUTOSTART Automatically start monitor *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
INLASPGRP Initial ASP group Name, *SAME, *CURRENT, *NONE Optional
TEXT Text Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional

Data library (DTALIB)

Specifies the data library to change. If you enter a data library that has not been added to IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i , you will receive an error message.

This is a required parameter.

Specify the data library to be changed.

Monitor (MON)

Specifies whether the data library can be monitored.

This is a required parameter.

The data library can be monitored. Use the Start Job Scheduler (STRJS) command to start the monitoring process.
The data library cannot be monitored. The data library cannot be changed to *NO if the monitor is currently active or if the data library is QUSRIJS.

Monitor job name (MONJOBNAM)

Specifies the name of the monitor job. This name should be descriptive and relate to the scheduling environment associated with the data library.

This is a required parameter.

Specify the name of the job monitor job.

Automatically start monitor (AUTOSTART)

Specifies whether the job monitor is to be automatically started after an IPL. The job monitor will not be automatically started if the Monitor field is set to *NO.

This is a required parameter.

The job monitor is to be automatically started after an IPL.
The job monitor will not be started after an IPL.

Initial ASP group (INLASPGRP)

Specifies the initial setting for the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) group name for the initial thread of the job monitor for this data library. When an ASP group is associated with a thread, all libraries in the independent ASPs in the ASP group are accessible and objects in those libraries can be referenced using regular library-qualified object name syntax. The libraries in the independent ASPs in the specified ASP group plus the libraries in the system ASP (ASP number 1) and basic user ASPs (ASP numbers 2-32) form the library name space for the thread.

This is a required parameter.

The ASP group name for the current thread is used for the job monitor. If the job monitor for this data library is automatically started after an IPL, the ASP group name for the autostart job will be used.
Specifies the initial thread of the job monitor for this data library will be started with no ASP group. The library name space will not include libraries from any ASP group. Only the libraries in the system ASP and any basic user ASPs will be in the library name space.
Specify the name of the ASP group to be set for the initial thread of the job monitor for this data library. The ASP group name is the name of the primary ASP device within the ASP group. All libraries from all ASPs in this ASP group will be included in the library name space.

Text (TEXT)

Specifies a text description for the data library.

There is no text associated with this data libary.
Specify the text for the data library.


Example 1: Change the monitor designator for a data library


This command changes the monitor designator for a data library to *YES. This will allow starting the monitor job for the data library.

Error messages
