Add SMTP Dist List Entry (ADDSDSTLE)

The Add SMTP Distribution List Entry (ADDSDSTLE) command allows you to add new entries to an existing distribution list. A distribution list is a list of mail recipient entries. It can also include distribution lists.

Up to 300 entries can be added to a distribution list at one time. In addition, up to 50 distribution list IDs can be specified whose members are all to become part of this list.

The distribution list must exist before this command can be run. The Create SMTP Distribution List (CRTSDSTL) command can be used to create a new distribution list.

Restriction: The user of this command must have security administrator authority to add entries to a distribution list owned by someone else. Users can add entries to a distribution list they have created without restrictions.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
LSTID List ID Character value Required, Positional 1
USRID User identifier Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list
Optional, Positional 2
Element 1: Address Character value
Element 2: User description Character value
FROMLSTID From List ID Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Character value
Optional, Positional 3


Specifies the list identifier of the distribution list that is to have entries added.

If any lowercase characters are specified, the system changes them to, and stores them as, uppercase characters.

User identifier (USRID)

Specifies the recipient address, and description of the user that is to be added to the distribution list.

Up to 300 sets of addresses, and descriptions can be specified. Each valid set is added to the distribution list.

No user ID is specified. If *NONE is specified, a value other than *NONE must be specified on the From List ID (FROMLSTID) parameter.
Specify the recipient email address. The email address doesn't support short host name. You must write the email address in a full host name.
User description
Specifies the entry description. A maximum of 50 characters can be specified.

If any lowercase characters are specified, the system changes them to, and stores them as, uppercase characters.

Restriction: You must not include ##(two # characters in a row) in the List ID or Address or User description.


Specifies the name of an existing distribution list whose entries are added to this list. A maximum of 50 list IDs can be specified. Duplicate entries are not removed.

No list ID is specified.
Specify the a distribution list whose entries are added to this list.


           USRID((user1@domain1 'first recipient')
                 (user2@domain2 'second recipient'))

This command specifies that two user IDs are added to the distribution list dstlid1. In addition, all of the entries in two distribution lists are added to this distribution list.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

List ID, &1, cannot be found.
List ID &1 is not a valid name.
No entries added to distribution list &1.
&1 entries added and &2 lists copied to list &3. &4 entries not added and &5 lists not copied.
Address &1 is not a valid name.