Calculate Hash (QC3CALHA, Qc3CalculateHash) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Service Program Name: QC3HASH

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Calculate Hash (OPM, QC3CALHA; ILE, Qc3CalculateHash) API uses a one-way hash function to produce a fixed-length output string from a variable-length input string. For all practical purposes, one-way hashes are irreversible. This property makes them useful for authentication purposes.

Information on cryptographic standards can be found in Create Algorithm Context (OPM, QC3CRTAX; ILE, Qc3CreateAlgorithmContext) API.

Authorities and Locks

Required API authority

Required device description authority

Required Parameter Group

Input data

The data to hash.
The format of the input data is specified in the input data format name parameter

Length of input data

For input data format DATA0100, this is the length of the data to hash.
For input data format DATA0200, this is the number of entries in the array.

Input data format name

The format of the input data parameter.
The possible format names follow.

The input data parameter contains the data to hash.

The input data parameter contains an array of pointers and lengths to the data to hash.
See Input Data Formats for a description of this format.

Algorithm description

The algorithm and associated parameters for hashing the data.
The format of the algorithm description is specified in the algorithm description format name parameter.

Algorithm description format name

The format of the algorithm description.
The possible format names follow.

The token for an algorithm context. This format must be used when performing the hash operation over multiple calls. After the last call (when the final operation flag is on), the context will reset to its initial state and can be used in another API.

Parameters for a hash algorithm (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512).

See Algorithm Description Formats for a description of these formats.

Cryptographic service provider

The cryptographic service provider (CSP) that will perform the hash operation.

Cryptographic device name

The name of a cryptographic device description.
This parameter is valid when the cryptographic service provider parameter specifies 2 (hardware CSP). Otherwise, this parameter must be blanks or the pointer to this parameter set to NULL.


The area to store the hash. The length of hash is defined by the hash algorithm.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information.
For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Input Data Formats

For detailed descriptions of the table fields, see Input Data Formats Field Descriptions.

DATA0200 Format

Input Data Formats Field Descriptions

Input data length
The length of data to hash.
Input data pointer
A space pointer to the data to hash.
Must be null (binary 0s).

Algorithm Description Formats

For detailed descriptions of the table fields, see Algorithm Description Formats Field Descriptions.

ALGD0100 Format

ALGD0500 Format

Algorithm Description Formats Field Descriptions

Algorithm context token
A token for an algorithm context. The algorithm context is created by using the Create Algorithm Context (OPM, QC3CRTAX; ILE, Qc3CreateAlgorithmContext) API.

Hash algorithm
The hash algorithm. Following are the valid hash algorithms.

Final operation flag
The final processing indicator.

Error Messages

API introduced: V5R3

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