Controls for LDAP APIs

Certain LDAP Version 3 operations can be extended with the use of controls. Controls can be sent to a server, or returned to the client with any LDAP message. This type of control is called a server control.

The LDAP API also supports a client-side extension mechanism, which can be used to define client controls. The client-side controls affect the behavior of the LDAP client library, and are never sent to the server. Note that client-side controls are not defined for this client library.

A common data structure is used to represent both server-side and client-side controls:

      typedef struct ldapcontrol {
              char            *ldctl_oid;
              struct berval   ldctl_value;
              char            ldctl_iscritical;
      } LDAPControl, *PLDAPControl;

The LDAPControl fields have the following definitions:


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