krb5_build_principal_ext()--Build a Kerberos Principal Extended

 #include <krb5.h>

 krb5_error_code krb5_build_principal_ext(
     krb5_context     context,
     krb5_principal *     ret_principal,  
     int        realm_length,
     krb5_const char *      realm,
     int        name1_len,
     char *                             name1,  
     int        name2_len,,
     char *       name2, ...); 
  Service Program Name: QSYS/QKRBGSS

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The krb5_build_principal_ext() function builds a Kerberos principal from its component strings. It is similar to the krb5_build_principal() routine, except the name component lengths are explicitly specified on the function call.


No authorities are required.


context  (Input)
The Kerberos context.

ret_principal  (Output)
The Kerberos principal. The krb5_free_principal() routine should be called to release the principal when it is no longer needed.

realm_length  (Input)
The length of the realm name.

realm  (Input)
The realm name.

name1_len, name1, name2_length, name2, ...  (Input)
One or more name components. Each component consists of its length followed by its value. The end of the components is indicated by specifying a length of zero.

Return Value

If no errors occur, the return value is 0. Otherwise, a Kerberos error code is returned.

Error Messages


The following example creates the principal bambi/admin@forest.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

#include <krb5.h>

retval = krb5_build_principal_ext(context, &princ, 6, "forest", 5, "bambi", 5, "admin", 0);

API introduced: V5R1

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