eimAddAccess()--Add EIM Access

 #include <eim.h>
 int eimAddAccess(EimHandle          * eim,
                  EimAccessUser      * accessUser,
                  enum EimAccessType   accessType,
                  char               * registryName,
    EimRC              * eimrc)

  Service Program Name: QSYS/QSYEIM

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The eimAddAccess() function adds the user to the EIM access group identified by the access type.

Authorities and Locks

EIM Data
Access to EIM data is controlled by EIM access groups. LDAP administrators also have access to EIM data. The access groups whose members have authority to the EIM data for this API follow:
  • EIM Administrator


eim (Input)
The EIM handle returned by a previous call to eimCreateHandle(). A valid connection is required for this function.

accessUser (Input)
A structure that contains the user information for which to add access.

EIM_ACCESS_LOCAL_USER indicates a local user name on the system that the API is run. The local user name will be converted to the appropriate access id for this system.

EIM_ACCESS_KERBEROS indicates a kerberos principal. The kerberos principal will be converted to the appropriate access id. For example, petejones@therealm will be converted to ibm-kn=petejones@therealm.

The EimAccessUser structure layout follows:

   enum EimAccessUserType {

   typedef struct EimAccessUser
       union {
           char * dn;
           char * kerberosPrincipal;
           char * localUser;
       } user;
       enum EimAccessUserType userType;
   } EimAccessUser;
accessType (Input)
The type of access to add. This parameter is passed by value. Valid values are:

registryName (Input)
The name of the registry for which to add access. This parameter is only used if EimAccessType is EIM_ACCESS_REGISTRY. If EimAccessType is anything other than EIM_ACCESS_REGISTRY, this parameter must be NULL.

eimrc (Input)
The structure in which to return error code information. If the return value is not 0, eimrc is set with additional information. This parameter may be NULL. For the format of the structure, see EimRC--EIM Return Code Parameter.

Return Value

The return value from the API. Following each return value is the list of possible values for the messageCatalogMessageID field in the eimrc parameter for that value.

Request was successful.

Access denied. Not enough permissions to access data.

eimrc is not valid.

Unable to allocate internal system object.

Data conversion error.

Input parameter was not valid.

Unable to allocate required space.

LDAP connection has not been made.

LDAP connection is for read only. Need to connect to master.

Unexpected exception.

Related Information


The following example adds users to access groups.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

#include <eim.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int           rc;
    char          eimerr[100];
    EimRC       * err;
    EimHandle   * handle;

    EimAccessUser user;

    /* Get eim handle from input arg.           */
    /* This handle is already connected to EIM. */
    handle = (EimHandle *)argv[1];

    /* Set up error structure.                 */
    err = (EimRC *)eimerr;
    err->memoryProvidedByCaller = 100;

    /* Set up access user information          */
    user.userType = EIM_ACCESS_DN;

    /* Add access for this user.               */
    if (0 != (rc = eimAddAccess(handle,
        printf("Add access error = %d", rc);
        return -1;

    /* Set up access user information          */
    user.userType = EIM_ACCESS_LOCAL_USER;
    /* Add access for this user.               */
    if (0 != (rc = eimAddAccess(handle,
        printf("Add access error = %d", rc);
        return -1;
    return 0;

API introduced: V5R2

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