TCP/IP Management
The TCP/IP Management APIs can be used to retrieve information about your TCP/IP setup and status and to change certain system values related to TCP/IP.
The TCP/IP Management APIs are:
- Change Connection Attribute (QTOCCCNA) can change the attribute of a socket or connection directly.
- Change IPv4 Interface (QTOCC4IF) used to change selected parameters for an IPv4 interface that is defined in the system's TCP/IP configuration.
- Convert Interface ID (QtocCvtIfcID) retrieves the IP address of an interface when given the name or the name of an interface when given the IP address.
- List Neighbor Cache Table (QtocLstNeighborTbl) returns a list of all entries in the IPv6 Neighbor Cache table for a specified line or for all lines.
- List Network Connections (QtocLstNetCnn) returns a non-detailed list of all the network connections for a specified net connection type or a list of the subset of network connections for a specified net connection.
- List Network Interface (QtocLstNetIfc) returns a detailed list of all logical TCP/IP interfaces.
- List Network Routes (QtocLstNetRte) returns a detailed list of all routes.
- List Physical Interface ARP Table (QtocLstPhyIfcARPTbl) returns a list of all entries in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table for the specified time.
- List Physical Interface Data (QtocLstPhyIfcDta) returns a list of physical interfaces and detailed information about TCP/IP-related data for each of the listed physical interfaces.
- List PPP Connection Profiles (QtocLstPPPCnnPrf) returns a list of PPP connection profiles with some basic information about each profile.
- List TCP/IP Point-to-Point Jobs (QTOCLPPJ) returns information about each connection job currently associated with the specified point-to-point connection profile.
- Remove ARP Table Entry (QtocRmvARPTblE) removes one or all dynamic entries from the ARP table for the specified line.
- Retrieve Network Connection Data (QtocRtvNetCnnDta) retrieves the details of any specified connection-including jobs using the connection.
- Retrieve Network Interface Data (QtocRtvNetIfcDta) retrieves detailed information about a specified IPv4 or IPv6 network interface.
- Retrieve OSPF State Information (QtooRtvOSPFDta) retrieves the OSPF statistics from the OMPROUTED TCP server.
- Retrieve PPP Connection Profiles (QtocRtvPPPCnnPrf) retrieves the details of a specific PPP connection job profile.
- Retrieve TCP/IP Attributes (QtocRtvTCPA) retrieves TCP/IP attributes.
- Update DNS (QTOBUPDT) allows the caller to send one or more update instructions to an iSeries dynamic DNS (Domain Name System) server.
See Resource Reservation Setup Protocol APIs for information about APIs that perform your integrated services reservation.
The TCP/IP Management exit programs are:
- FTP Client Request Validation (QIBM_QTMF_CLIENT_REQ) allows you to restrict operations performed by FTP users.
- FTP Server Logon (QIBM_QTMF_SVR_LOGON) allows you to control the authentication of users to a TCP/IP application server.
- FTP Server Request Validation (QIBM_QTMF_SERVER_REQ) allows you to restrict operations performed by FTP users.
- REXEC Server Command Processing Selection (QIBM_QTMX_SVR_SELECT) allows you to specify which command processor the REXEC server uses for interpreting and running commands.
- TCP/IP Request Validation (QIBM_QTMX_SERVER_REQ) allows you to restrict operations on the REXEC server.
- TCP/IP Server Logon (QIBM_QTMX_SVR_LOGON) allows you to control the authentication of users and setting up user environments for the REXEC server.
- Telnet Device Initialization (QIBM_TG_DEVINIT) allows you to associate your custom exit program with exit points on the Telnet server.
- Telnet Device Termination (QIBM_QTG_DEVTERM) allows you to log session termination information.
- TFTP Request Validation (QIBM_QTOD_SERVER_REQ) allows you to restrict operations on the TFTP server.
- Trace Exit Program for TCP/IP Application (TRCTCPAPP) Command indicates if the trace should stop or continue running.
- User-defined Servers is called by the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP), Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR), End TCP/IP (ENDTCP), and End TCP/IP Server (ENDTCPSVR) commands to start or end user-defined servers or server instances.
- Watch for Trace Event is called while using commands to watch for specific events, such as messages being sent to a particular queue.