Open Spooled File (QSPOPNSP) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Optional Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: No

The Open Spooled File (QSPOPNSP) API opens an existing spooled file. After the existing spooled file is opened, the Get Spooled File Data (QSPGETSP) API can then get the data from the file.

Authorities and Locks

Spooled File Authorities

The requester is authorized to the spooled file if one or more of the following conditions are met.

Spooled File Lock

Required Parameter Group

Spooled file handle returned

The handle used on subsequent get (QSPGETSP API) and close (QSPCLOSP API) operations to identify the spooled file.

Qualified job name

The job that owns the spooled file. The qualified job name has three parts:

Internal job identifier

The internal job identifier for the job that owns the spooled file. Use the Retrieve Spooled File Attributes (QUSRSPLA) API or one of these APIs to make the identifier available: List Spooled Files (QUSLSPL) API.

Internal spooled file identifier

The internal spooled file identifier for the spooled file. To make the identifier available, use the Retrieve Spooled File Attributes (QUSRSPLA) API or see List Spooled Files (QUSLSPL) API.

Spooled file name

The name of the spooled file to be opened. You can use this special value for the name:

Spooled file number

The unique number of the spooled file. The valid range is 1 through 999999.

The following special values are supported for this parameter:

Number of buffers to get

How many buffers to get on each call to the QSPGETSP API. Valid numbers include 1 through 8, 16, 24, and 32. Any values greater than 32 must be a multiple of 32. A value greater than 1 should show some performance improvement. A value of 8 may give the best performance when using the QSPGETSP API.

The following special value is supported for this parameter:

If the user space cannot accommodate all buffers requested, as many complete buffers as possible will be returned in the available space. The information complete indicator in the header section of the data returned is then set to P.

If the end of an open spooled file is encountered before the buffer count is reached, the end of open spooled file parameter on the Get Spooled File Data (QSPGETSP) API determines the action taken.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Optional Parameter Group

Job system name

The name of the system where the job that created the spooled file ran or blank when the spooled file name is *INT. This parameter is considered after the job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, and spooled file number parameter requirements have been met.

The following special values are supported for this parameter:

If this parameter is omitted, the API assumes blanks when the spooled file name is *INT. When spooled file name is not *INT, the API assumes *ONLY.

Spooled file create date

The date, based on local job time, that the spooled file was created on the system or blank when the spooled file name is *INT. This parameter is considered after the job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, spooled file number, and job system name parameter requirements have been met. The date must be in the CYYMMDD format or one of the following special values:

The date format CYYMMDD is defined as follows:

If this parameter is omitted, the API assumes blanks when the spooled file name is *INT. When spooled file name is not *INT, the API assumes *ONLY.

Spooled file create time

The time, in local job time, that the spooled file was created on the system or blank when the spooled file name is *INT. This parameter must be set to blanks when special values *LAST or *ONLY are used for parameter Spooled file create date. This parameter must have a value set if a date is specified for parameter Spooled file create date. This parameter is considered after the job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, spooled file number, job system name, and spooled file create date parameter requirements have been met. The time must be in the HHMMSS format or one of the following special values:

The time format HHMMSS is defined as follows:

If this parameter is omitted, the API assumes blanks.

How to Select a Spooled File to Be Opened

This table illustrates the valid parameter combinations of qualified job name, internal job identifier, internal spooled file identifier, spooled file name, job system name, spooled file create date, and spooled file create time. The combinations of these parameters identify the spooled file to be opened. For example, when the qualified job name parameter value is *, the internal job identifier must be blank, the internal spooled file identifier must be blank, and the actual name and number of the spooled file must be given.

Notes: This parameter combination is not valid when a job has been detached from its spooled files or for a spooled file on an independent disk pool. Use of this combination will result in message CPF3C43.

Error Messages

API introduced: V2R1

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