Retrieve Change Request Description (QFVRTVCD) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: No

The Retrieve Change Request Description (QFVRTVCD) API retrieves either general change request description information, or information pertaining to a single activity within the change request description.

Authorities and Locks

Change request description authority
Change request description lock

Required Parameter Group

Receiver variable

The receiver variable that receives the information requested. You can specify the size of the area to be smaller than the format requested as long as you specify the length parameter correctly. As a result, the API returns only the data that the area can hold. See CRQD0100 Format and CRQD0200 Format for descriptions of the formats.

Length of receiver variable

The length of the receiver variable provided. The length of receiver variable parameter may be specified up to the size of the receiver variable specified in the user program. If the length of receiver variable parameter specified is larger than the allocated size of the receiver variable specified in the user program, the results are not predictable. The minimum length is 8 bytes.


The format of the data to return. The possible formats are:

Qualified change request description name

The qualified name of the change request description to retrieve information for. The Format is:

Activity name

The name of the activity to retrieve information for. This is ignored when the format parameter is CRQD0100.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

CRQD0100 Format

See Field Descriptions for descriptions of the fields in this format.

CRQD0200 Format

See Field Descriptions for descriptions of the fields in this format.

Field Descriptions

Activity name. The name of the activity for which information is retrieved.

Activity text. The text description of the activity specified.

Activity type. The name of the activity type for this activity.

Bytes available. The number of bytes of data available to the calling program. The receiver variable could get this much data from this format if the receiver variable was this large or larger.

Bytes returned. The number of bytes of data that were returned to the calling program in the receiver variable. If this value is smaller than bytes available, there was more data than there was room for.

CCSID of activity text description. The coded character set identifies (CCSID) used for the activity text description.

Conditions list. The list of conditions that must be met before the activity can run. This is an array of up to 5 elements. The number of elements is specified by the number of conditions field. There can be up to 5 elements. If this data is not present, number of conditions and offset to conditions is 0.

Each element has the following format:

Destination is *LCL. Whether the destination for this activity is the local system. Possible values are Y and N.

Destination nodes. An array of elements. The number of elements is specified by the number of nodes field. There can be up to 50 elements. If number of nodes is 0, this field will not exist.

Each element has the following format:

Function parameters. The structure is defined by the calling program.

Hold. Whether the activity is held when the change request is submitted. Possible values are:

Length of function parameters. The length of the function parameters.

Node list name. The name of the node list. If no node list name exists, the offset to node list name is 0.

Node list library name. The library name of the node list.

Number of conditions. The number of conditions that must be satisfied before the activity can run. Possible values are 0 to 5. If no conditions are present, number of conditions and the offset to conditions are 0.

Number of nodes. The number of nodes in the destination nodes field. The possible values are 1 to 50.

Offset to conditions. If no conditions are present, number of conditions and the offset to conditions are 0.

Offset to destination nodes. The offset to the list of destination nodes.

Offset to function parameters. The offset to the function parameters.

Offset to node list name. Offset to the node list name. If this is 0, the node list name is not present.

Owner's profile. User profile that created the change request description object.

Problem ID. The ID of the problem associated with the change request description retrieved.

Problem origin. The origin system of the problem ID. The Format is:

Qualified change request description name. The qualified name of the change request description object for which data is retrieved. The Format is:

Sequence number. The sequence number that is used to generate a generic activity name at the time an activity is added to the change request description.

Start time. The date and time window during which this activity can be started. The current date and time values and next date values are determined when the change request is submitted. The format is:

The format of time is HHMMSS, where:

The format of date is CYYMMDD, where:

Text description. Text description of the change request description specified.

User profile to run under. Whether the authority checking done while this change request is running is based on the user who submitted the change request or the owner of the change request description. Possible values are:

Error Messages

The following messages are possible as either escape messages or return codes.

API introduced: V3R1

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