Extensions Overview

OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2® for i provides an additional set of stored procedures to create, administer, and search text search collections. A text search collection is used to index data associated with system objects such as spool files in an output queue, or stream file data in the integrated file system.

A text search collection describes one or more sets of system objects that will have their associated text data indexed and searched. For example, a collection may contain an object set of all spool files in output queue QUSRSYS/QEZJOBLOG, and/or an object set for all stream files in directory '/home/alice/text_data'.

The text search collection referred to in this documentation should not be confused with a DB2 schema (sometimes also referred to as a collection), or a Lucene collection (Part of the internal structure of a DB2 text search index).

When a text search collection is created, several DB2 objects are created on the system in an SQL schema. The following objects will be created in the schema:
  • Catalogs for tracking the collection's configuration.
  • Catalogs for tracking the objects that have been indexed.
  • SQL Stored procedures to administer and search the collection.
  • A DB2 text search index for indexing the associated text.

Administration of the collection is provided with stored procedures, most of which are created in the schema.

An explanation of other OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2 for i enhancements can be found at: OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2 for i enhancements.