The ILE RPG compiler can internally define variable-length character, graphic, or UCS-2 fields from an externally described file or data structure as fixed-length character fields. Although converting variable-length character, graphic, and UCS-2 fields to fixed-length format is not necessary, CVTOPT remains in the language to support programs written before variable-length fields were supported.
You can convert variable-length fields by specifying *VARCHAR (for variable-length character fields) or *VARGRAPHIC (for variable-length graphic or UCS-2 fields) on the CVTOPT control specification keyword or command parameter. When *VARCHAR or *VARGRAPHIC is not specified, or *NOVARCHAR or *NOVARGRAPHIC is specified, variable-length fields are not converted to fixed-length character and can be used in your ILE RPG program as variable-length.
- If a variable-length field is extracted from an externally described file or an externally described data structure, it is declared in an ILE RPG program as a fixed-length character field.
- For single-byte character fields, the length of the declared ILE RPG field is the length of the DDS field plus 2 bytes.
- For DBCS-graphic data fields, the length of the declared ILE RPG field is twice the length of the DDS field plus 2 bytes.
- The two extra bytes in the ILE RPG field contain a unsigned integer number which represents the current length of the variable-length field. Figure 1 shows the ILE RPG field length of variable-length fields.
- For variable-length graphic fields defined as fixed-length character fields, the length is double the number of graphic characters.
- Your ILE RPG program can perform any valid character calculation operations on the declared fixed-length field. However, because of the structure of the field, the first two bytes of the field must contain valid unsigned integer data when the field is written to a file. An I/O exception error will occur for an output operation if the first two bytes of the field contain invalid field-length data.
- Control-level indicators, match field entries, and field indicators are not allowed on an input specification if the input field is a variable-length field from an externally described input file.
- Sequential-within-limits processing is not allowed when a file contains variable-length key fields.
- Keyed operations are not allowed when factor 1 of a keyed operation corresponds to a variable-length key field in an externally described file.
- If you choose to selectively output certain fields in a record and the variable-length field is either not specified on the output specification or is ignored in the ILE RPG program, the ILE RPG compiler will place a default value in the output buffer of the newly added record. The default is 0 in the first two bytes and blanks in all of the remaining bytes.
- If you want to change converted variable-length fields, ensure that the
current field length is correct. One way to do this is:
- Define a data structure with the variable-length field name as a subfield name.
- Define a 5-digit unsigned integer subfield overlaying the beginning of the field, and define an N-byte character subfield overlaying the field starting at position 3.
- Update the field.