Task 2: Selecting the installation options

You can learn how to select the installation options.

  1. Type your choice for the Install option prompt based on the following situations:
    • If you are doing a complete restore operation, select option 1 (Take defaults). This restores the entire operating system. Use this option if any of the following conditions is true:
      • You are recovering from a failure of the load source unit.
      • You are restoring your entire system.
      • You are upgrading to a new system.
      • You are recovering damaged objects in your operating system.
      Note: If you are doing a complete restore operation and restoring a primary language other than English or if you have changed some of the shipped values of international system values, such as date and time (QDATFMT) or coded character set ID (QCCSID), you must select option 2 (Change install options). This ensures the language-dependent system values are restored correctly.

      Restoring to a different system?

      If you are restoring to a different system (with a different serial number or different logical partition) and you want your network attributes to be restored, select option 2 (Change install options). This will allow you to select to restore your network attributes from your save media.

    • If you are doing an abbreviated install operation, select option 2 (Change install options). This allows you to specify which parts of the operating system you want to restore. Use this option if you are recovering damaged system information, such as system values. Network attributes will not be restored.
  2. If the date and time are not correct, type new values.
  3. Press the Enter key.

    If you selected install option 1 (Take defaults), skip to step 14.

    If you selected install option 2 (Change install options), you are shown the Specify Install Options display.

                               Specify Install Options
    Type choices, press Enter.
         Restore option . . . . __          1=Restore programs and language objects
                                              from current media set
                                            2=Do not restore programs or
                                              language objects
                                            3=Restore only language objects
                                              from current media set
                                            4=Restore only language objects
                                              from a different media set using the
                                              current install device
         Job and output
           queues option . . . . __         1=Clear,  2=Keep
         Distribute IBM i on
           available disk units  __         1=Yes,  2=No

    Continue with step 4.

  4. Type your choice for the Restore option prompt based on the following options:
    Note: If you are performing a complete system recovery, you must select option 1.
    1 = Restore programs and language objects
    This option restores system objects from the media that you are using. Use this option if damage to a system user profile is found. If you select the option, you will be prompted to specify whether to restore system information, edit descriptions, or the system reply list.
    • If your system had access path recovery times for user auxiliary storage pool (ASP)s and the use ASPs have not yet been reconfigured, the system cannot restore access path recovery times for the ASPs. Use the Edit Recovery Times for Access Paths (EDTRCYAP) command to set the times after you have reconfigured your ASP configuration.
    • If you are restoring a primary language other than English, you must select option 1.
    2 = Do not restore programs or language objects
    This option leaves the current programs and language objects on the system. Select this option to do an abbreviated install of the operating system.

    When you select this option, the system does the following tasks:

    • Nothing is restored from media. Any damaged objects that the system deletes and creates again are empty.
    • All libraries on the system are checked for damage. Damaged libraries are deleted and then created again.
    • All system libraries (including QSYS) are created if they do not exist.
    • Information associated with the user profiles is created if it does not exist or is damaged.
    • The system entry-point table is created again.
    3 = Restore only language objects from current media
    This option loads only those objects that make up the national language. The search for the language files begins on the current media. Select this option only if you need to change your primary language because you are recovering using the distribution media.
    4 = Restore only language objects from a different media
    This option loads only those objects that make up the national language. The system prompts you to insert the language media. Select this option only if you need to change your primary language because you are recovering using the distribution media.
    Note: If you want to change the primary language, see Installing, upgrading, or deleting IBM® i and related software topic. You should avoid changing the primary language during a recovery.
  5. Type your choice for the Clear Job and Output Queues prompt based on the following options:
    1 = Clear
    If you do not want to keep any spooled files or entries on job queues after the installation or if you know they are damaged, select this option. The system removes all jobs on job queues and spooled files. It re-creates any internal objects associated with them. You should select this option if you are performing an abbreviated installation of the operating system. This option also resets the counter for assigning unique job numbers.
    2 = Keep
    Any entries on job queues and output queues remain after the installation. This is the normal option for this prompt.
  6. Type your choice for the Distribute operating system on available disk units prompt based on the following options:
    1 = Yes

    This option will take more time. You should only use this option in specific recovery situations as directed by your service representative. This option specifies to distribute operating system objects on available disk units in the system ASP during the installation process.

    2 = No
    Specifies to not distribute operating system objects on available disk units. This option will restore operating system objects from the media over the existing objects on the system.
  7. Type your choices on the Specify Restore Options display and press the Enter key.

    If you did not specify 1 for the Restore option prompt, skip to step 14.

    If you specified 1 for the Restore option prompt, you are shown the Specify Restore Options display.
                             Specify Restore Options
    Type choices, press Enter.
         Restore from the installation media:
            System information. . . _    1=Restore,  2=Do not restore
            Edit descriptions . . . _    1=Restore,  2=Do not restore
            Message reply list. . . _    1=Restore,  2=Do not restore
            Job descriptions. . . . _    1=Restore,  3=Keep customization
            Subsystem descriptions. _    1=Restore,  3=Keep customization 
    Continue with step 8.
  8. Type your choice for the System information prompt based on the following options:
    Note: If you are performing a complete system recovery to a different system (with a different serial number or different logical partition), and you want to restore the network attributes from the save media, you must select option 1 (Restore).
    1 = Restore
    The system restores the system values and system management objects, such as access path recovery times, from media. Select this option if any of the following situations is true:
    • You received a message during a previous initial program load (IPL) stating that the system value object was created again.
    • You want to restore them to their values from your last save operation.
    • You restored the operating system using option 2 or option 3 from the Install Licensed Internal Code (LIC) display.
    • You are restoring a primary language other than English, or if you changed the shipped value of the QDATFMT system value.
    • Your system is in a distributed relational database with unlike systems, and the coded character set ID (QCCSID) system value is different from the shipped value.

    If you have changed your primary language since your last save operation, the system might change some language-dependent system values during the restore operation.

    2 = Do not restore
    The system values and system management objects that are currently on the system are not changed.

    A system value object must always be present on an operational system. If the system value object does not exist, the system restores it, even if you select option 2.

  9. Type your choice for the Edit descriptions prompt based on the following options:
    1 = Restore
    The system restores the edit descriptions from media. Select this option if:
    • The edit descriptions are damaged.
    • You want to restore them to their values from your last save operation.
    • You installed the Licensed Internal Code by using option 2 or option 3 from the Install Licensed Internal Code (LIC) display.
    2 = Do not restore
    The edit descriptions currently on the system are not changed.
  10. Type your choice for the Message Reply List prompt based on the following options:
    1 = Restore
    The system restores the reply list from media. Select this option if:
    • The message reply list is damaged.
    • You want to restore it to its values from your last save operation.
    • You installed the Licensed Internal Code by using option 2 or option 3 from the Install Licensed Internal Code (LIC) display.
    2 = Do not restore
    The message reply list currently on the system is not changed.

    The default value for these options is 2 if the operating system is loaded on the system. The default value is 1 if the operating system is not already loaded.

  11. Type your choice for the Job descriptions prompt based on the following options:
    1 = Restore
    The system restores the job descriptions from media.
    3 = Keep customization
    The system restores the objects from media and customizes them with the values from the same objects that are already on the system.
  12. Type your choice for the Subsystem descriptions prompt based on the following options:
    1 = Restore
    The system restores the subsystem descriptions from media.
    3 = Keep customization
    The system restores the objects from media and customizes them with the values from the same objects that are already on the system.
  13. Type your choices on the display and press the Enter key.
  14. The IBM i Installation Status display indicates how many program or language objects have been restored.
    They are for your information only and require no response. The display is blank for a time between stage 4 and stage 5.
    Message ID. . . :   CPI2070                       IBM i Installation Status
    Stage 2    +-----------------------------------------------------+
               |XXXXXXX                                              |
               0       20         40         60         80         100
    Installation                                                           Objects
    Stage                                                    Completed     Restored
       1  Creating needed profiles and libraries . . . . :      X            XXXX
    >> 2  Restoring programs to library QSYS . . . . . . :                   XXXX
       3  Restoring language objects to library QSYS . . :
       4  Updating  program table. . . . . . . . . . . . :
       5  Installing database files. . . . . . . . . . . :
       6  Installing base directory objects. . . . . . . :
       7  Completing installation. . . . . . . . . . . . : 
  15. Continue loading media in sequence when messages are shown that ask you to load additional media.
    The system searches through the media and loads the necessary programs and language information. After processing all the system save media or distribution media, the system might display the following message at the bottom of a blank display:
    Operating system has been installed. IPL in progress.

    When the IPL is complete, the IPL Sign On display is shown and the system in ready to complete the IPL.