Resuming mirrored units

If you have to resume a mirrored unit, you can do so using the Resume Mirrored Protection option on the Work With Disk Unit Recovery display using system service tools (SST) or dedicated service tools (DST).

To resume mirrored protection, follow these steps:

  1. Type: STRSST
  2. From the System Service Tools (SST) menu, follow these steps:
    1. Select option 3 (Work with disk units).
    2. Select option 3 (Work with disk unit recovery) on the Work with Disk Units display.
  3. Select option 4 (Resume mirrored protection) on the Work with Disk Unit Recovery display and press the Enter key.
                         Resume Mirrored Protection
       Type option, press Enter.   
    1=Resume Mirrored Protection
    Resource OPT  Unit  ASP   Number      Type  Model  Name      Status  
           _        2    3    00-59681F7  6602   050   DD004     Suspended   
  4. Type a 1 (Resume Protection) in the Option column for each unit that you want to resume mirrored protection. You can select only a unit in Suspended status to resume.