AF (Authority Failure) journal entries

This table provides the format of the AF (Authority Failure) journal entries.

Table 1. AF (Authority Failure) journal entries. QASYAFJE/J4/J5 Field Description File
Offset Field Format Description
JE J4 J5
1 1 1     Heading fields common to all entry types. See Standard heading fields for audit journal entries QJORDJE5 Record Format (*TYPE5),Standard heading fields for audit journal entries QJORDJE4 Record Format (*TYPE4), and Standard heading fields for audit journal entries QJORDJE2 Record Format (*TYPE2) for field listing.
156 224 610 Violation Type1 Char(1)
Not authorized to object
Restricted instruction
Validation failure (see J5 offset 639)
Use of unsupported interface, object domain failure
Hardware storage protection error, program constant space violation
ICAPI authorization error
ICAPI authentication error
Scan exit program action (see J5 offset 639)
System Java™ inheritance not allowed
Submit job profile error
Special authority violation
Profile token not a regenerable token
Optical Object Authority Failure
Profile swap error
Hardware protection error
Default sign-on attempt
Not authorized to TCP/IP port
User permission request not valid
Profile token not valid for generating new profile token
Profile token not valid for swap
System violation — see J5 offset 723 for violation codes
Not authorized to the current JUID field during a clear JUID operation.
Not authorized to the current JUID field during a set JUID operation.
157 225 611 Object Name 1, 5, 12, 17 Char(10) The name of the object.
167 235 621 Library Name13 Char(10) The name of the library where the object is stored or the Licensed Internal Code fix number that failed to apply.11
177 245 631 Object Type14, 17 Char(8) The type of object.
185 253 639 Validation Error Action Char(1) Action taken after validation error detected, set only if the violation type (J5 offset 610) is C or H.
The translation of the object was not attempted or it failed. The QALWOBJRST system value setting allowed the object to be restored. The user doing the restore did not have *ALLOBJ special authority and the system security level is set to 10, 20, or 30. Therefore, all authorities to the object were retained.
The translation of the object was not attempted or it failed. The QALWOBJRST system value setting allowed the object to be restored. The user doing the restore did not have *ALLOBJ special authority and the system security level is set to 40 or above. Therefore, all authorities to the object were revoked.
The translation of the object was successful. The translated copy was restored on the system.
The translation of the object was not attempted or it failed. The QALWOBJRST system value setting allowed the object to be restored. The user doing the restore had *ALLOBJ special authority. Therefore, all authorities to the object were retained.
System install time error detected.
The object was not restored because the signature is not IBM i format.
Unsigned system or inherit state object found when checking system.
Unsigned user state object found when checking system.
Mismatch between object and its signature found when checking system.
IBM certificate not found when checking system.
Invalid signature format found when checking system.
Scan exit program modified the object that was scanned
Scan exit program wanted object marked as having a scan failure
186 254 640 Job Name Char(10) The name of the job.
196 264 650 User Name Char(10) The job user name.
206 274 660 Job Number Zoned(6,0) The job number.
212 280 666 Program Name Char(10) The name of the program.
222 290 676 Program Library Char(10) The name of the library where the program is found.
232 300 686 User Profile 2 Char(10) The name of the user that caused the authority failure.
242 310 696 Workstation Name Char(10) The name of the workstation or workstation type.
252 320 706 Program Instruction Number Zoned(7,0) The instruction number of the program.
259 327 713 Field name Char(10) The name of the field.
269 337 723 Operation Violation Code Char(3) The type of operation violation that occurred, set only if the violation type (J5 offset 610) is X.
Not authorized to use SST Advanced Analysis Command.
Service tool user profile not authorized to perform hardware configuration operation (QYHCHCOP).
LIC indicates that a Licensed Internal Code fix was not applied because of a signature violation.
Not authorized to activate the environment attribute for system file access.
An attempt was made to use a command that has been disabled by a system administrator.
272 340 726 Office User Char(10) The name of the office user.
282 350 736 DLO Name Char(12) The name of the document library object.
294 362 748 (Reserved Area) Char(8)  
302 370 756 Folder Path15, 16 Char(63) The path of the folder.
365 433 819 Office on Behalf of User Char(10) User working on behalf of another user.
375     (Reserved Area) Char(20)  
  443 829 (Reserved Area) Char(18)  
  461 847 Object Name Length3 Binary(4) The length of the object name.
395 463 849 Object Name CCSID3 Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the object name.
399 467 853 Object Name Country or Region ID3 Char(2) The Country or Region ID for the object name.
401 469 855 Object Name Language ID3 Char(3) The language ID for the object name.
404 472 858 (Reserved area) Char(3)  
407 475 861 Parent File ID3,4 Char(16) The file ID of the parent directory.
423 491 877 Object File ID3,4 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
439 507 893 Object Name3,6 Char(512) The name of the object.
  1019 1405 Object File ID3 Char(16) The file ID of the object.
  1035 1421 ASP Name10 Char(10) The name of the ASP device.
  1045 1431 ASP Number10 Char(5) The number of the ASP device.
  1050 1436 Path Name CCSID3 Binary(5) The coded character set identifier for the path name.
  1054 1440 Path Name Country or Region ID3 Char(2)

The Country or Region ID for the path name.

  1056 1442 Path Name Language ID3 Char(3)

The language ID for the path name.

  1059 1445 Path Name Length3 Binary(4)

The length of the path name.

  1061 1447 Path Name Indicator3 Char(1) Path name indicator:
The Path Name field contains complete absolute path name for the object.
The Path Name field does not contain an absolute path name for the object, instead it contains a relative path name. The Relative Directory File ID field is valid and can be used to form an absolute path name with this relative path name.
  1062 1448 Relative Directory File ID3, 8 Char(16) When the Path Name Indicator field is N, this field contains the file ID of the directory that contains the object identified in the Path Name field. Otherwise it contains hex zeros.8
  1078 1464 Path Name3, 9 Char(5002) The path name of the object.
    6466 ASP Program Library Name Char(10) ASP name for program library
    6476 ASP Program Library Number Char(5) ASP number for program library
When the violation type is for description G, the object name contains the name of the *SRVPGM that contained the exit that detected the error. For more information about the violation types, see Security auditing journal entries.
This field contains the name of the user that caused the entry. QSYS might be the user for the following entries:
  • offsets 41 and 118 for *TYPE2 records
  • offsets 55 and 132 for *TYPE4 records
  • offsets 65 and 187 for *TYPE5 records
These fields are used only for objects in the "root" (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems.
An ID that has the left-most bit set and the rest of the bits zero indicates that the ID is NOT set.
When the violation type is T, the object name contains the TCP/IP port the user is not authorized to use. The value is left justified and blank filled. The object library and object type fields will be blank.
When the violation type is O, the optical object name is contained in the integrated file system object name field. The Country or Region ID, language ID, parent file ID, and object file ID fields will all contain blanks.
The Java class object being created can not extend its base class because the base class has system Java attributes.
If the Path Name Indicator field is N, but the Relative Directory File ID is hex zeros, then there was some error in determining the path name information.
This is a variable length field. The first two bytes contain the length of the path name.
If the object is in a library, this is the ASP information of the object's library. If the object is not in a library, this is the ASP information of the object.
When the violation type is X and the Operation Violation code value is LIC, this indicates that a Licensed Internal Code fix was not applied because of a signature violation. This field will contain the Licensed Internal Code fix number that failed to apply.
When the violation type is K, the object name contains the name of the command or program that detected the error. If the command has several alternative names, the command name in the audit record might not match the specific command name used but will be one of the equivalent alternatives. A special value of *INSTR indicates that a machine instruction detected the error.
When the violation type is K, the library name contains the name of the program's library or *N for the command's library that detected the error.
When the violation type is K, the object type contains the object type of the command or program that detected the error.
When the violation type is K, the Folder Path might contain the full API name of the API or exit point name that detected the error.
When the violation type is X and the Operation Violation Code is AAC, the Folder Path will contain the 30 character Advanced Analysis Command name.
When the object type is *LIC and the object library is *N, the object name is a Licensed Internal Code Ru name.