Key parameters and prompt override programs for a CL command

The prompt override program allows current values rather than defaults to be displayed when a command is prompted. Key parameters are parameters, such as the name of an object, that uniquely identify the object.

If a prompt override program is defined for a command, you can see the results of calling the prompt override program in the following two ways:

  • Type the name of the command without parameters on any command line and press F4=Prompt. The next screen shows the key parameters for the command.

    Complete all fields shown and press the Enter key. The next screen shows all command parameters, and the parameter fields that are not key parameter fields contain current values rather than defaults (such as *SAME and *PRV).

    For example, if you type CHGLIB on a command line and press F4=Prompt, you see only the Library parameter. If you then type *CURLIB and press the Enter key, the current values for your current library are displayed.

  • Type the name of the command and the values for all key parameters on any command line. Press F4=Prompt. The next screen shows all command parameters, and the parameter fields that are not key parameter fields will contain current values rather than defaults (such as *SAME and *PRV).

    For example, if you type CHGLIB LIB(*CURLIB) on a command line and press F4=Prompt, the current values for your current library are displayed.

When F10=Additional parameters is pressed, any parameters defined with PMTCTL(*PMTRQS) are displayed with current values.

To exit the command prompt, press F3=Exit.