Internal object types

Internal objects are used to store the information needed to perform some system functions. The table shows the predefined values for all the IBM® i internal object types.

Table 1. Predefined values and default library locations for internal IBM i object types
Value Object type Hexadecimal format
*ACNAME Auto-configuration names 19F0
*ADO Asynchronous distribution object 19E0
*AUT Authorized user table 0EC5
*AUTHLR Authority holder 1BC1
*CBLK Commit block 0FC1
*CCSIDI CCSID information 0ED2
*CDJOBLK Transaction control structure with externally-managed commitment definitions 23A1
*CDTCSLK Transaction control structure with DB2-managed commitment definitions 23A0
*CFGSPC Configuration space 19A4
*CHRSFC Character special file clone object 1EC1
*CIO Cluster information object 19A5
*CMTCDRI Commit recovery object 0EA0
*CNVTBL System conversion table 19FB
*CRGM Cluster resource group manager 0EA5
*DBCOLES Database column extension 1955
*DBDIR Database directory 1950
*DBRCVR Database recovery object 19D4
*DCRENO DC rename object 19F5
*DCTQ Data dictionary queue 0AC4
*DCXITC DCX inter-task communication index 0ECF
*DCXMSQ DCX operator message queue 0AC5
*DEACR Directory extended attribute cursor 0D52
*DEADI Directory extended attribute index 0C50
*DEADS Directory extended attribute dataspace 0B51
*DFTJRN Default journal 09C1
*DFTRCV Default journal receiver 07C1
*DIRCR Directory cursor 0D51
*DIRDS Directory dataspace 0B50
*DIRJ Integrated file system directory for user journaling 1E50
*DLSTMF Document library services stream file 1EA0
*DMPSP Dump space 1390
*DOCBSS Document byte string space 06C1
*DRQ Distribution recipient queue 0AC3
*DRX Distribution recipient index 0ED1
*DSNXO DSNX system object 19E9
*DTO Distribution tracking object 19E2
*DUO Document unit object 19E3
*EDTIDX Element description index OED0
*EPTAB Data management entry point table 19D7
*EXITSP Exit registration space 1953
*FACB File available control block 0EC6
*FCNUL Function usage list 0ECA
*FIDTBL File ID table 0BA0
*FCS File constraint space 1958
*FMT File format 1951
*FSO FMS system object 19E8
*GDA Group data area 19CD
*GENIDX Permanent generic index 0EA4
*GENQ Permanent generic queue 0AC8
*GRPDLS Group dataLink space 1959
*HFSD HFS description 19F7
*HPQ Office host print queue 0AC6
*ICO Install communication object 19C6
*IDDEDT Internal data dictionary 19EB
*IGCINT Ideographic character table 19E1
*IMPLREP Implementation repository 0E50
*INAUT Install authority object 19D5
*INAUTO Automatic install 19F4
*INITSP Install initial template space 19C1
*INTLIB Internal library 04C1
*INTPRF Interactive profile 0EC4
*IPLJMQ LIC internally-created queue space 18A1
*IFSIDX Integrated file system index 0EF3
*ISYSLIB Internal system library 04C2
*JAR Job APAR repository 19CA
*JVAGRP Java™ group 2150
*JVAPGM Java program 0250
*JMQ Job message queue 18A0
*JRNIX Journal receiver index 0EA6
*JSQ Job schedule queue 0AF0
*JTMMQ Measurement message queue 0AC1
*LDA Local data area 19CE
*LIBRCVR Library recovery object 19D1
*LIRCVR Library recovery object for rename 19F2
*MCBSF Management Collection Byte Stream File 1E52
*MCO Measurement collection object 19C0
*MCOTBL Measurement collection object table 19C8
*MDO Measurement descriptor object 19C9
*MDOC Mail document 19E6
*MEM database file member 0D50
*MNINX Menu index 0EC1
*MNTXT Menu text 19CB
*MQLOCK Message queue locking protocol 19DF
*MSCSP Permanent miscellaneous space 19EE
*MSRVI master service index 0E91
*NFSP Network facility space 19E5
*OCUR Database operational cursor 0DEF
*OHCUR Database operational hybrid cursor 0DEE
*OIRS OIR space 1952
*OLBSF Open List Byte Stream File 1E51
*OPTBSS Optical byte string 06A0
*OPTSTMF Optical stream file 1EED
*OSSCB Session control block 19E4
*OWCUR Database operational wrapper cursor ODED
*PCCR Problem change control record 19CC
*PDT Process definition template 19C7
*POBSF Print Object Byte Stream File 1EB2
*PRDAVLI Product availability index 0EF1
*PRMGEN Permanent generic space 19A1
*PROCT Operation code table 19DA
*PRODT Operand description table 0ECB
*PRTQ Print queue 0EC7
*PTCSPC Protected space 19FC
*QDAG Access group 0190
*QDDS Data space 0B90
*QDDSI Data space index 0C90
*QDIDX Composite index 0E90
*QDPCS Process control space 1A90
*QDQ Composite queue 0A90
*QDSP Composite space 1990
*QFSIDX QSYS directory I/O index 0EA3
*QTAG Temporary access group 01EF
*QTDS Temporary data space 0BEF
*QTDSI Temporary data space index 0CEF
*QTIDX Temporary index 0EEF
*QTPCS Temporary process control space 1AEF
*QTQ Temporary queue 0AEF
*QTSP Temporary space 19EF
*RCYAP Recovery times for SMAPP 19A0
*RWCB Read/write control block 19C5
*RZHRIPD HRI-saved persistent data 19A3
*SCO Service communication object 19DC
*SDQ SNADS distribution queue 0EC2
*SECOBJ Internal security object for a user profile 0EC3
*SEPT System entry point table 19C3
*SHRCV SH recovery object 19F8
*SIQ FM queue 0AC2
*SLFSMS Secondary logic unit index 0EC9
*SMBSF Shared memory byte stream file 1EB1
*SMIDX System management index 0EF2
*SMQ System management internal queue 0AF1
*SNMTBL System program name table 19F9
*SORTSEQ Sort sequence table repository 0EA7
*SPLCB Spool control block 19C2
*SRAUTH Save/restore authorizations table 19CF
*SRDS Save/restore descriptor space 19DB
*SRMIDX System resource manager index 0EC8
*SRMSPC System resource manager space 19F3
*STPWIDX Password index 0ED3
*STREAM Stream object 85A0
*SVAL System value 19D2
*SVRSTGD Server storage space 1954
*SWFL System-wide folder list 0ECD
*SYAUTS Security authorization space 19F6
*SYSBC System control block 19D3
*SYSPRTI System print image part numbers 19D6
*SYSRPYL System reply list 19D8
*S36BCH System/36 batch object 19F1
*S36EPT System/36 entry point table 19EA
*S36HLP System/36 help object 0ECE
*S36HST System/36 history object 19EC
*S36IDX System/36 index 0ECC
*TDS Trigger definition space 1960
*TNIPLMQ TN IPL message queue 0AF2
*TOKTBL DSOM token mapping table 0EA2
*UBPSPC Usage-based pricing space 19FE
*UFCB User file control block 19D9
*UFO Unfiled folder object 19E7
*WCBT Work control block table 19D0
*WCBTRO Work control block table recovery object 19DD
*X40 X400 object 19FA
*X4Q X400 queue 0EF0
*ZMFINX Message space pool 0EA1
*ZMFSPC Message framework 19A2