What happens when you restore user profiles

When you restore a user profile, you restore all the attributes of the profile that you see on the Display User Profile display. The system builds a working table that holds that user's private authorities to objects.

You must use the Restore Authority (RSTAUT) command to restore the user's private authorities. If you specify SECDTA (*PVTAUT), then only the working tables that hold the user's private authorities are restored. The user profiles themselves are not restored.

Some values in a user profile might be changed when it is restored. Table 1 shows the actions the system takes when you restore user profiles:

Table 1. Results of restoring user profiles
User profile attributes Restore procedure used
Restore *ALL user profiles Restore individual user profile that already exists on system Restore individual user profile that does not exist on system
Group profile (GRPPRF) Value is restored from media Value on system is not changed 1 Value is set to *NONE 1
Owner (OWNER) of new objects Value is restored from media Value on system is not changed Value is set to *USRPRF
Group authority (GRPAUT) to new objects Value is restored from media Value on system is not changed 1 Value is set to *NONE 1
Password Value is restored from media Value on system is not changed 1 Value is set to *NONE 1
Document Password Value is restored from media Value on system is not changed 1 Value is set to *NONE 1
Date password was last changed Value is restored from media Start of changeValue on system is not changed 2End of change The current date is used.
Owner of user profile See How the system establishes ownership for restored objects. Value on system is not changed Value is restored from the media. If the owning profile does not exist, ownership is assigned to the QDFTOWN user profile.
Primary group of user profile See How the system establishes the primary group for restored objects Value on system is not changed. Value is restored from the media. If the primary group does not exist, the value in the user profile is set to *NONE.
*ALLOBJ special authority See What you should know about restoring user profiles. See What you should know about restoring user profiles. See What you should know about restoring user profiles.
User identification number (UID) Results depend upon whether the user profile already exists on the system or not at the time it is restored. Actions are the same as for individual user profiles. Value on system is not changed. Value is restored from the media unless it is a duplicate of a UID on the system. In that case, a new UID is generated.
Group identification number (GID) Results depend upon whether the user profile already exists on the system or not at the time it is restored. Actions are the same as for individual user profiles. Value on system is not changed. Value is restored from the media unless it is a duplicate of a GID on the system. In that case, a new GID is generated.
Start of changeUser expiration fieldsEnd of change See What you should know about restoring user profiles. See What you should know about restoring user profiles. See What you should know about restoring user profiles.
If you specify SECDTA (*PWDGRP), the value is restored from media.
Start of change2End of change
Start of change If you specify SECDTA(*PWDGRP), the current date is used.End of change