Qshell db2 utility

The db2 utility uses the SQL CLI (Call Level Interface) and allows you to run SQL statements directly, interactively, or from a file.

When processing SQL interactively or from a file, the db2 utility treats the backslash character at the end of a line as a continuation character. The backslash and newline character are removed and the remaining text is used as the SQL statement.


db2 [General Options] [Delimiter Options] [Connection Options] [SQL Source Options]

General options

Echo the SQL statement to standard output.
Suppress spaces and padding in output, useful for viewing LOB columns containing text data.

Delimiter options

Only one of the following can be specified:
-T, character
Specified character is used as termination character.
Use the semicolon as the statement termination character.
Use exclamation point (!) as the termination character.

Connection Options

-r rdbname
Connect to specified remote database (must be name in WRKRDBDIRE). If not specified connection is to local database.
-u username
The user profile name for connecting to remote database, can only be used with -r option.
-p username
The password to use on remote database connection.

SQL source options

SQL Statement
SQL statement text. If statement contains spaces or shell characters, be sure to correctly quote on Qshell command line.
-f filename default_lib
Read and run SQL statements from the specified file. Default_lib parameter is optional. When specified, it is used as the default library/schema for all statements.
Enter SQL statements interactively. Enter quit or exit to end interactive SQL session.

Special character and command support

  • Lines starting with two dashes ( -- ) are comments
  • Lines starting with an exclamation point are qshell commands
  • Lines starting with 'at' symbol (@) are CL commands
  • Connect command is ignored, utility uses local connection unless -r option is specified
  • Echo command is a command built in to the db2 utility and echoes the text
  • Exit or quit commands will end the db2 SQL session
  • Help and ? commands will list basic help
  • Terminate command is ignored


db2 select constraint_name from qsys2.syscst
db2 -t -f mysqlfile.txt
Contents of mysqlfile.txt:
select constraint_name from qsys2.syscst;
create table qgpl.testtable (c1 integer);