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What's new for IBM i 7.1

Read about new or significantly changed information for the Control language topic collection.

Retrieve CL Source (RTVCLSRC) command support for ILE CL

The Retrieve CL Source (RTVCLSRC) command can be used to retrieve control language (CL) source statements from an Integrated Language Environment® (ILE) module. The module must be created with the Create CL Module (CRTCLMOD) command or the Create Bound CL Program (CRTBNDCL) command specifying *YES for the ALWRTVSRC parameter. The module which contains the CL source to be retrieved can be a module (*MODULE) object or a module within an ILE program (*PGM) or service program (*SRVPGM) object. See Retrieving CL source code for more information.

Longer integer CL variables for ILE CL

The Declare CL Variable (DCL) command supports a value of 8 for the LEN parameter for signed integer (*INT) and unsigned integer (*UINT) variables if the CL source is compiled using the CRTCLMOD command or the CRTBNDCL command. This capability is useful when calling API programs and API procedures that define 8-byte integer fields in input or output structures. See Declaring variables to a CL program or procedure for more information.

Compiler option to show DO loop and SELECT group nesting levels in compiler listing

You can specify OPTION(*DOSLTLVL) on the Create CL Program (CRTCLPGM) command or the CRTCLMOD command or the CRTBNDCL command. This compiler option adds a new column to the compiler listing which shows the nesting levels for Do (DO), Do For (DOFOR), Do Until (DOUNTIL), Do While (DOWHILE), and Select (SELECT) commands. See Showing DO and SELECT nesting levels for more information.

Encrypted debug listing view support for ILE CL

A new keyword parameter (DBGENCKEY) was added to the CRTCLMOD command and the CRTBNDCL command. Specifying an encryption key value for the DBGENCKEY parameter and also specifying *LIST for the DBGVIEW parameter causes the debug listing data to be encrypted before being stored with the module (*MODULE) or ILE program (*PGM) object. In order to see the listing view during debug, you must provide the same encryption key value. See Encrypting the debug listing view for a description of this support.

Nested INCLUDE support

You can specify an Include CL Source (INCLUDE) command in a CL source member that is embedded using an INCLUDE command. This capability allows a more granular level of INCLUDE command support than was supported in the IBM® i 6.1 release. There is no specific limit on the number of levels of nesting for INCLUDE commands. See Embedding CL commands from another source member for more information.

New and changed commands

You can display a list of all new commands or all changed commands using the CL command finder.

What's new as of February 2013

Support was added for six new built-in functions for working with character strings. The new built-in functions include:

PTF SI49061 must be loaded and applied in order to use these new CL built-in functions. Like other CL built-in functions, these built-in functions can only be used in compiled CL programs or procedures. You can specify a TGTRLS (Target release) value of V6R1M0 or V5R4M0 when compiling your CL source that uses these new built-in functions. The CL program can then be saved off your 7.1 system and restored and run on a system running IBM i 6.1 or IBM i 5.4.

What's new as of September 2010

New workload capping commands were added to the IBM i commands. Workload capping allows you to set a usage limit for a licensed program by restricting the number of processor cores that are available to be used by the licensed program. The new workload capping commands include:

In addition, the CHGJOB (Change Job) command was changed.

How to see what's new or changed

To help you see where technical changes have been made, this information uses:
  • The Start of change image to mark where new or changed information begins.
  • The End of change image to mark where new or changed information ends.

In PDF files, you might see revision bars (|) in the left margin of new and changed information.

To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to users.

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