Planning for the IBM AIX Dynamic System Optimizer

There are following considerations when you are planning to use the AIX® Dynamic System Optimizer.

  • The Active System optimizer (ASO) daemon is started at boot time, but it is inactive by default. It can be activated by using the asoo command.
  • The ASO daemon is supported on the following versions of the AIX operating system and POWER® processors:
    AIX version POWER processor
    AIX 7.2, or later POWER7®
    AIX 7.2 Service Pack 2, or later POWER8®
    AIX 7.2 with Technology Level 3, or later POWER9™
  • Running ASO in a dedicated processor environment requires that Virtual Processor Management (core folding) is disabled, which is the default setting. Enabling Power® Management on the Hardware Management Console (HMC) enables Virtual Processor Management to be started in a dedicated environment and disables ASO.
  • Enabling Active Memory Sharing disables all the optimizations except data stream prefetch optimization.
  • When processor resources are capped in a shared processor LPAR (SPLPAR) environment, the system entitlement must be a minimum of two cores. The entitlement for each virtual processor must be high enough to ensure that ASO can optimize the workload.
  • For large page optimization, the system must have a minimum of 16 GB of system memory.