Retrieving the user and group name length limit from the ODM database

You can use commands or subroutines to retrieve the v_max_logname parameter.

You can use the lsattr command to retrieve the v_max_logname parameter in the ODM database. The lsattr command displays the v_max_logname parameter as the max_logname attribute.

The following example shows how to use the lsattr command to retrieve the max_logname attribute:
$ lsattr -El sys0
SW_dist_intr    false            Enable SW distribution of interrupts              True
autorestart     true             Automatically REBOOT system after a crash         True
boottype        disk             N/A                                               False
capacity_inc    1.00             Processor capacity increment                      False
capped          true             Partition is capped                               False
conslogin       enable           System Console Login                              False
cpuguard        enable           CPU Guard                                         True
dedicated       true             Partition is dedicated                            False
ent_capacity    4.00             Entitled processor capacity                       False
frequency       93750000         System Bus Frequency                              False
fullcore        false            Enable full CORE dump                             True
fwversion       IBM,SPH01316     Firmware version and revision levels              False
iostat          false            Continuously maintain DISK I/O history            True
keylock         normal           State of system keylock at boot time              False
max_capacity    4.00             Maximum potential processor capacity              False
max_logname     20               Maximum login name length at boot time            True
maxbuf          20               Maximum number of pages in block I/O BUFFER CACHE True
maxmbuf         0                Maximum Kbytes of real memory allowed for MBUFS   True
maxpout         0                HIGH water mark for pending write I/Os per file   True
maxuproc        128              Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user      True
min_capacity    1.00             Minimum potential processor capacity              False
minpout         0                LOW water mark for pending write I/Os per file    True
modelname       IBM,7044-270     Machine name                                      False
ncargs          6                ARG/ENV list size in 4K byte blocks               True
pre430core      false            Use pre-430 style CORE dump                       True
pre520tune      disable          Pre-520 tuning compatibility mode                 True
realmem         3145728          Amount of usable physical memory in Kbytes        False
rtasversion     1                Open Firmware RTAS version                        False
sec_flags       0                Security Flags                                    True
sed_config      select           Stack Execution Disable (SED) Mode                True
systemid        IBM,0110B5F5F    Hardware system identifier                        False
variable_weight 0                Variable processor capacity weight                False