NFS commands

The NFS commands and their descriptions can be referenced here.

Item Description
chnfs Starts a specified number of biod and nfsd daemons.
chnfsdom Changes the local NFS domain.
chnfsim Changes NFS foreign identity mappings.
chnfssec Changes the default security flavor used by the NFS client
chnfsrtd Changes the local NFS realm-to-domain mappings.
mknfs Configures the system to run NFS and starts NFS daemons.
nfso Configures NFS network options.
automount Mounts an NFS file system automatically.
chnfsexp Changes the attributes of an NFS-exported directory.
chnfsmnt Changes the attributes of an NFS-mounted directory.
exportfs Exports and unexports directories to NFS clients.
lsnfsexp Displays the characteristics of directories that are exported with NFS.
lsnfsmnt Displays the characteristics of mounted NFS systems.
mknfsexp Exports a directory using NFS.
mknfsmnt Mounts a directory using NFS.
nfshostkey Configure the host key for an NFS server.
nfs4cl Displays information about filesystems a client is accessing using NFS version 4.
nfs4smctl Administers revocation of NFS version 4 State
rmnfs Stops the NFS daemons.
rmnfsexp Removes NFS-exported directories from a server's list of exports.
rmnfsmnt Removes NFS-mounted file systems from a client's list of mounts.