Multinomial logistic regression: Statistics

The Statistics dialog provides options for specifying the following statistics for your Multinomial logistic regression.

Overall model
Statistics for the overall model.
Pseudo R-square (Cox and Snell, Nagelkerke, McFadden)
Prints the Cox and Snell, Nagelkerke, and McFadden R 2 statistics.
Step summary
This table summarizes the effects entered or removed at each step in a stepwise method. It is not produced unless a stepwise model is specified in the Model dialog.
Model fitting information
This table compares the fitted and intercept-only or null models.
Information criteria
This table prints Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) and Schwarz’s Bayesian information criterion (BIC).
Cell probabilities
Prints a table of the observed and expected frequencies (with residual) and proportions by covariate pattern and response category.
Classification table
Prints a table of the observed versus predicted responses.
Prints Pearson and likelihood-ratio chi-square statistics. Statistics are computed for the covariate patterns determined by all factors and covariates or by a user-defined subset of the factors and covariates.
Monotinicity measures
Displays a table with information on the number of concordant pairs, discordant pairs, and tied pairs. The Somers' D, Goodman and Kruskal's Gamma, Kendall's tau-a, and Concordance Index C are also displayed in this table.
Model parameters
Statistics related to the model parameters.
Prints estimates of the model parameters, with a user-specified level of confidence.
Likelihood ratio test
Prints likelihood-ratio tests for the model partial effects. The test for the overall model is printed automatically.
Asymptotic correlations
Prints matrix of parameter estimate correlations.
Asymptotic covariances
Prints matrix of parameter estimate covariances.
Subpopulation for goodness-of-fit statistics
Allows you to select a subset of the factors and covariates in order to define the covariate patterns used by cell probabilities and the goodness-of-fit tests.

Selecting statistics for Multinomial logistic regression

This feature requires Custom Tables and Advanced Statistics.

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Association and prediction > Multinomial logistic regression

  2. Expand the Additional settings menu and click Statistics.
  3. Select the statistics you want to include in the output.