Multinomial logistic regression: Save to dataset

The Save to dataset dialog allows you to save variables to the working file.

Post-estimation statistics
The following variables can be saved:
Estimated response probabilities
These are the estimated probabilities of classifying a factor/covariate pattern into the response categories. There are as many estimated probabilities as there are categories of the response variable; up to 25 will be saved.
Predicted category
This is the response category with the largest expected probability for a factor/covariate pattern.
Predicted category probability
This is the maximum of the estimated response probabilities.
Actual category probability
This is the estimated probability of classifying a factor/covariate pattern into the observed category.

Saving variables for Multinomial logistic regression

This feature requires Custom Tables and Advanced Statistics.

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Association and prediction > Multinomial logistic regression

  2. Expand the Additional settings menu and click Save to dataset.
  3. Select the variables to be saved.