Multinomial logistic regression: Model export

The Model export dialog allows you to export model information to an external file.

Export model information
The toggle control enables/disables the exportation of model information to an external XML file. Parameter estimates and (optionally) their covariances are exported to the specified file in XML (PMML) format. You can use this model file to apply the model information to other data files for scoring purposes.
Displays the current model export save file location. Click change to change the file name and/or save location.
Include the covariance matrix
When the setting is enabled, covariance matrix information is included in the export model.

Exporting model information for Multinomial logistic regression

This feature requires Custom Tables and Advanced Statistics.

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Association and prediction > Multinomial logistic regression

  2. Expand the Additional settings menu and click Model export.
  3. Enable the Export model information toggle control.