Example: Using a prompt override program

This example shows the command source for a command and the prompt override program.

The following command allows the ownership and text description of a library to be changed. The prompt override program for this command receives the name of the library, retrieves the current value of the library owner and the text description, and then places these values into a command string and returns it.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

Command source

CHGLIBATR: CMD   PROMPT('Change Library Attributes')
           PARM  KWD(LIB) +
                   TYPE(*CHAR) MIN(1) MAX(1) LEN(10) +
                   KEYPARM(*YES) +
                   PROMPT('Library to be changed')
           PARM  KWD(OWNER) +
                   TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) MIN(0) MAX(1) +
                   KEYPARM(*NO) +
                   PROMPT('Library owner')
           PARM  KWD(TEXT) +
                   TYPE(*CHAR) MIN(0) MAX(1) LEN(50) +
                   KEYPARM(*NO) +
                   PROMPT('Text description')

Prompt override program

The following prompt override program uses the "?^" selective prompt characters.

  PGM PARM(&cmdname &keyparm1 &rtnstring)
 /*                                                                   */
 /*  Declarations of parameters passed to the prompt override program */
 /*                                                                   */
  DCL  VAR(&cmdname)   TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(20)
  DCL  VAR(&keyparm1)   TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)
  DCL  VAR(&rtnstring) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(5700)

 /*                                                                  */
 /* Return command string structure declaration                      */
 /*                                                                  */
                       /* Length of command string generated         */
  DCL  VAR(&stringlen) TYPE(*DEC)  LEN(5 0) VALUE(131)
  DCL  VAR(&binlen)    TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(2)
                       /* OWNER keyword                              */
  DCL  VAR(&ownerkwd)  TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(8)  VALUE('?<OWNER(')
  DCL  VAR(&name)      TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)
                       /* TEXT keyword                               */
  DCL  VAR(&textkwd)   TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(8)  VALUE(' ?<TEXT(')
  DCL  VAR(&descript)  TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(102)

 /*                                                                  */
 /* Variables related to command string declarations                 */
 /*                                                                  */
  DCL  VAR(&quote)      TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) VALUE('''')
  DCL  VAR(&closparen)  TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) VALUE(')')

 /*                                                                  */
 /*                  Start of operable code                          */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*                                                                  */
 /* Monitor for exceptions                                           */
 /*                                                                  */
     MONMSG  MSGID(CPF0000) +
             EXEC(GOTO CMDLBL(error))

 /*                                                                  */
 /* Retrieve the owner and text description for the library specified*/
 /* on the LIB parameter.  Note:  This program assumes there are     */
 /* no apostrophes in the TEXT description, such as (Carol's)  */
 /*                                                                  */
     RTVOBJD OBJ(&keyparm1) OBJTYPE(*LIB) OWNER(&name) TEXT(&descript)
     CHGVAR VAR(%BIN(&binlen)) VALUE(&stringlen)

 /*                                                                  */
 /* Build the command string                                         */
 /*                                                                  */
     CHGVAR VAR(&rtnstring) VALUE(&binlen)
     CHGVAR VAR(&rtnstring) VALUE(&rtnstring *TCAT &ownerkwd)
     CHGVAR VAR(&rtnstring) VALUE(&rtnstring *TCAT &name)
     CHGVAR VAR(&rtnstring) VALUE(&rtnstring *TCAT &closparen)
     CHGVAR VAR(&rtnstring) VALUE(&rtnstring *TCAT &textkwd)
     CHGVAR VAR(&rtnstring) VALUE(&rtnstring *TCAT &quote)
     CHGVAR VAR(&rtnstring) VALUE(&rtnstring *TCAT &descript)
     CHGVAR VAR(&rtnstring) VALUE(&rtnstring *TCAT &quote)
     CHGVAR VAR(&rtnstring) VALUE(&rtnstring *TCAT &closparen)
     GOTO CMDLBL(pgmend)
 /*                                                                  */
 /* Set the command string length to zero                            */
 /*                                                                  */
     CHGVAR VAR(%BIN(&rtnstring 1 2)) VALUE(0)

 /*                                                                  */
 /* Send error message(s)                                            */
 /*                                                                  */
 /* NOTE: If you want to send a diagnostic message as well as CPF0011*/
 /*       you will have to enter a valid error message ID in the     */
 /*       MSGID parameter and a valid message file in the MSGF       */
 /*       parameter for the first SNGPGMMSG command listed below.    */
 /*       If you do not want to send a diagnostic message, do not    */
 /*       include the first SNDPGMMSG in your program.  However, in  */
 /*       error conditions, you must ALWAYS send CPF0011 so the      */
 /*       second SNDPGMMSG command must be included in your program. */
 /*                                                                  */