Installing Linux on PowerVM LPAR by using virtual DVD (vDVD)

You can install Linux® on PowerVM® by using virtual DVD (vDVD). The vDVD installation method works only if IBM® Virtual SCSI (vSCSI) is configured on the Virtual I/O Server (VIOS).

You must create a virtual media repository and virtual DVD (vDVD) in VIOS by using the following steps.

  1. Log in to VIOS by using the following command:
    $ ssh padmin@<VIOS_IP>
  2. Verify whether a virtual media repository is already defined on the VIOS server by running the following command:
    $ lsrep
    1. If the lsrep command returns the result as The DVD repository has not been created yet, create a virtual media repository by using the following command:
      $ mkrep -sp rootvg -size 40G
      The rootvg is the name of the storage pool and 40G is the size of the virtual media library.
  3. Verify whether the virtual media repository is defined correctly by using the lsrep command.
  4. Download the Linux ISO (RHEL or SLES) and copy it to the location /home/padmin.
  5. Check the vhost Number assigned to your LPAR by using the following command:
    $ lsmap -all
    In the following example LPAR is lp6 with partition ID 6 and vHost name is vhost1.
    $ lsmap -all
    SVSA	           Physloc                         Client Partition ID
    vhost1             U9043.MRX.13F4B7X-V100-C106     0x00000006
    VTD                vtscsi5 
    Status             Available
    LUN                0x8100000000000000
    Backing device     lp6-disk1
    Mirrored	   N/A
  6. Create virtual optical device (vtopt) on identified vHost by using the following command:
    $ mkvdev -fbo -vadapter vhost1
    In this example the vHost name is vhost1.
  7. Create virtual DVD (vDVD) in VIOS by using the following command:
    $ mkvopt -name myimage -file /home/padmin/name_of_the_image.iso –ro
  8. Attach the virtual DVD created to the LPAR's virtual optical device (vtopt) on which you want to install Linux by using the following command:
    $ loadopt -f -release -disk myimage -vtd vtopt8
    Here myimage is the vDVD name and vtop8 is the virtual optical device.
  9. Check whether the vDVD is attached by using the following command:
    $ lsmap –all
    Following is an example of the returned result of lsmap -all command.
    SVSA	           Physloc	                   Client Partition ID
    Vhost1	            U9043.MRX.13F4B7X-V100-C106	   0x00000006
    VTD	            vtopt0
    Status	            Available
    LUN	            0x8100000000000000
    Backing device 
    Mirrored	    N/A
    VTD	            vtopt8
    Status	            Available
    LUN	            0x8200000000000000
    Backing device      /var/vio/VMLibrary/myimage 
    Mirrored	    N/A
    Note: Make a note of the logical unit number (LUN) which is used to start the installation in LPAR. In this example, the LUN is 0x8200000000000000.
To install the Linux operating system (OS) by using vDVD, complete the following steps:
  1. Log in to HMC console by using the following command: ssh hscpe@<HMC_IP>
  2. Display the list of systems that are managed by the HMC by using vtmenu command and then select the appropriate system.
  3. Select the logical partition (LPAR) on the managed system that you want to install Linux on.
    Note: If the system and the LPAR name are known, you can select the LPAR directly by using the following command: mkvterm -m <system name> -p <lpar name>
  4. Activate the LPAR through the HMC GUI or by running the following command: hscpe@<HMC_IP>:~> chsysstate -o on -r lpar -n [partition name] -m [system name]
  5. After the system starts, select 1 to enter the system management services (SMS) menu.
  6. Choose Select Boot Options > Select Install/Boot Device > List all Devices.
  7. Select your vDVD from the list by checking the logical unit number (LUN).
  8. Select Normal Boot Mode.
  9. Select Yes to exit the SMS and proceed with the installation.