Obtaining information about an EP11 environment with the ep11info tool

Use the ep11info tool to obtain general information about EP11 cryptographic coprocessors and about the domains configured on the system. Especially the wrapping key identifier of the configured domains are shown.

The syntax of the ep11info tool is as shown:

ep11info [ -h | --help ] | [ -m <module_nr> | --module <module_nr> ] 
         [ -d <domain_index> | --domain <domain_index> ]

If you do not specify any options, all configured domains on all available EP11 cryptographic coprocessors are shown.

The ep11info tool is included in the EP11 package (RPM or DEB), starting with EP11 version 2.0.0.-n. For more information refer to the ep11info man page which is also included in the package and which is installed as part of the EP11 token.