Setting up SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 as a KVM host

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 LPAR mode KVM guest

A KVM host has hardware and user space requirements.


The real or virtual hardware must provide the Start Interpretive Execution (SIE) feature.

User space

You must install the packages for QEMU and libvirt.

Module parameters

Configure the KVM host support with module parameters.

kvm module parameter syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammodprobekvmnested=0hpage=0nested=1hpage=1
If set to 1, passes the SIE capability on to its guests. Thus, the guests can be hosts for higher-level guests.

Nested hosts are intended for test environments and not for production systems.

If set to 1, supports guest-configurations with huge-page memory backing.

Enough 1 MB huge pages must be set up to satisfy the needs of the guests. For details about setting up huge pages, see Huge-page support.

Nested hosts cannot back their guests with huge pages. You cannot set both nested= and hpage= to 1.

Making parameter settings persistent across re-boots

To make a module parameter persistent, create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf with, for example, the following content:

options kvm hpage=1

Unload and reload the kvm module to make the changes take effect.