claw.182198 <bus ID of the CLAW device>: Setting the write subchannel online failed with error code <errno>


Setting the Common Link Access to Workstation (CLAW) device online failed with an error for the write subchannel. This problem occurs, for example, if the write subchannel used to create the CLAW group device is not defined as a CLAW write subchannel in the hardware definitions. The CLAW write subchannel must be for a 3088 device of type x'61' and have an uneven bus ID. The bus ID of the write subchannel can be found from the symbolic link /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/claw/<device-bus-ID>/cdev1 where <device-bus-ID> is the bus ID of the CLAW device.

User response

Confirm that you are using the correct bus ID for the write subchannel. If necessary, ungroup the device and recreate it with the correct bus ID. Assure that the write subchannel has been defined correctly to the real or virtual hardware, for example, in your IOCDS or in your z/VM® configuration. Assure that a valid number of write buffers has been assigned to the device. See 'Device Drivers, Features, and Commands' for details about the read buffers. See the errno man page for information about the error code.

