NPAR TESTS is available in the Statistics Base option.

NPAR TESTS is a collection of nonparametric tests. These tests make minimal assumptions about the underlying distribution of the data.

NPAR TESTS [CHISQUARE=varlist[(lo,hi)]/] [/EXPECTED={EQUAL      }] 

 [/K-S({UNIFORM [min,max]   })=varlist]
       {NORMAL [mean,stddev]}
       {POISSON [mean]      }
       {EXPONENTIAL [mean]  }

 [/RUNS({MEAN  })=varlist]
        {MODE  }
        {value }

             { p}            {value        }

 [/MCNEMAR=varlist [WITH varlist [(PAIRED)]]]

 [/SIGN=varlist [WITH varlist [(PAIRED)]]]

 [/WILCOXON=varlist [WITH varlist [(PAIRED)]]]

	|/MH=varlist [WITH varlist [(PAIRED)]]]††




 [/M-W=varlist BY var (value1,value2)]

 [/K-S=varlist BY var (value1,value2)]

 [/W-W=varlist BY var (value1,value2)]

 [/MOSES[(n)]=varlist BY var (value1,value2)]

 [/K-W=varlist BY var (value1,value2)]

 [/J-T=varlist BY var (value1, value2)]††

 [/MEDIAN[(value)]=varlist BY var (value1,value2)]

            {LISTWISE  }



	[/METHOD={MC [CIN({99.0 })] [SAMPLES({10000})] }]††
	                  {value}            {value}
          {EXACT [TIMER({5    })]              }

**Default if the subcommand is omitted.

††Available only if the Exact Tests option is installed (available only on Windows operating systems).

This command reads the active dataset and causes execution of any pending commands. See the topic Command Order for more information.

Syntax for the NPAR TESTS command can be generated from the dialogs accessible from the Nonparametric Tests item on the Analyze menu.

Release History

Release 17.0

  • Increased limits on number of variables allowed in the analysis.
