
図 1. ビット命令の使用
D const           c                   x'0007'

D ch1             s              4a   inz(%BITNOT(const))
 * ch1 is initialized to x'FFF84040'
D num1            s              5i 0 inz(%BITXOR(const:x'000F'))
 * num is initialized to x'0008', or 8

D char2a          s              2a
D char2b          s              2a
D uA              s              5u 0
D uB              s              3u 0
D uC              s              5u 0
D uD              s              5u 0

C                   eval      char2a = x'FE51'
C                   eval      char2b = %BITAND(char10a : x'0F0F')
 * operand1   = b'1111 1110 0101 0001'
 * operand2   = b'0000 1111 0000 1111'
 * bitwise AND:   0000 1110 0000 0001
 * char2b = x'0E01'
C                   eval      uA = x'0123'
C                   eval      uB = x'AB'
C                   eval      uc = x'8816'
C                   eval      uD = %BITOR(uA : uB : uC)
 * operand1   = b'0000 0001 0010 0011'
 * operand2   = b'0000 0000 1010 1011'   (fill with x'00')
 * operand3   = b'1000 1000 0001 0110'
 * bitwise OR:    1000 1001 1011 1111
 * uD = x'89BF'
図 2. TESTB 機能を %BITAND から派生
 * This example shows how to duplicate the function of TESTB using %BITAND
D fld1            s              1a
C                   testb     x'F1'         fld1                 010203
    * Testing bits     1111 0001
    * If FLD1 = x'00' (0000 0000), the indicators have the values '1' '0' '0'
    *   (all tested bits are off)
    * If FLD1 = x'15' (0001 0101), the indicators have the values '0' '1' '0'
    *   (some tested bits are off and some are on)
    * If FLD1 = x'F1' (1111 0001), the indicators have the values '0' '0' '1'
    *   (all tested bits are on)
        // this code performs the equivalent of the TESTB operation above

        // test if all the "1" bits in x'F1' are off in FLD1
        *in01 = %bitand(fld1 : x'F1') = x'00';

        // test if some of the "1" bits in x'F1' are on
        // and some are off in FLD1
        *in02 = %bitand(fld1 : x'F1') <> x'00'
           and  %bitand(fld1 : x'F1') <> x'F1';

        // test if all the "1" bits in x'F1' are on in FLD1
        *in03 = %bitand(fld1 : x'F1') = x'F1';

図 3. 組み込み関数を使用した BITON/BITOFF 機能
 * This example shows how to duplicate the function of
   D fld1            s              1a   inz(x'01')
   D fld2            s              1a   inz(x'FF')
   C                   biton     x'F4'         fld1
    * fld1 has an initial value of x'01' (0000 0001)
    * The 1 bits in x'F4' (1111 0100) are set on
    * fld1 has a final value of x'F5' (1111 0101)
   C                   bitoff    x'F1'         fld2
    * fld2 has an initial value of x'FF' (1111 1111)
    * The 1 bits in x'F1' (1111 0001) are set off
    * fld2 has a final value of x'0E' (0000 1110)
           // this code performs the equivalent of the
           // BITON and BITOFF operations above
           // Set on the "1" bits of x'F4' in FLD1
           fld1 = %bitor(fld1 : x'F4');
           // Set off the "1" bits of x'F1' in FLD2
           fld2 = %bitand(fld2 : %bitnot(x'F1'));

図 4. %BITOR および %BITAND から MxxZO 機能を派生させる
D c1              s              2a   inz(x'ABCD')
D c2hh            s              2a   inz(x'EF12')
D c2hl            s              2a   inz(x'EF12')
D c2lh            s              2a   inz(x'EF12')
D c2ll            s              2a   inz(x'EF12')
        // mhhzo     c1            c2hh
        // c2hh becomes x'AF12'
               = %bitor(%bitand(x'0F'
                              : %subst(c2hh:1:1))
                      : %bitand(x'F0'
                              : %subst(c1:1:1)));
        // c2hl becomes x'EFA2'
        // mhlzo     c1            c2hl
               = %bitor(%bitand(x'0F'
                              : %subst(c2hl:%len(c2hl):1))
                      : %bitand(x'F0'
                              : %subst(c1:1:1)));
        // mlhzo     c1            c2lh
        // c2lh becomes x'CF12'
               = %bitor(%bitand(x'0F'
                              : %subst(c2lh:1:1))
                      : %bitand(x'F0'
                              : %subst(c1:%len(c1):1)));
        // mhllo     c1            c2ll
        // c2ll becomes x'EFC2'
               = %bitor(%bitand(x'0F'
                              : %subst(c2ll:%len(c2ll):1))
                      : %bitand(x'F0'
                              : %subst(c1:%len(c1):1)));