Work Management API Attribute Descriptions

The purpose of this document is to provide one place that describes all the Job and Thread attributes that are used in all the Work Management APIs. The list of attributes encompasses the following APIs:


The following are the list of attributes that have keys associated with them.

Field Descriptions

The following section describes the fields returned in further detail. For details on the thread safety of a particular attribute see the thread safety section in the API being used. The fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Active job status. The active status of the initial thread of the job. Only one status is returned. The possible values are:

Active job status for jobs ending. When the active job status field is END or EOJ, this field contains the status of what the initial thread is doing currently. This field is blank if the job is not ending currently. See the active job status field for the list of possible values. For example, the active job status would be EOJ, but the job could be waiting on a lock that could keep the job from ending. The active job status for jobs ending field would then be LCKW.

Allow multiple threads. Whether this job allows multiple user threads. This attribute does not prevent the operating system from creating system threads in the job. Possible values are:

All portions of the library list for format RTVT0200. All portions of the library list will be returned.

ASP group information. The list of ASP group information for the current thread. This information does not include the system ASP or the basic user ASPs.

Break message handling. How this job handles break messages. The possible values are:

Cancel key. Whether the user pressed the cancel key.

CCSID of current SQL statement. The CCSID of the current SQL statement string that is returned.

Character identifier control. The character identifier control for the job. This attribute controls the type of CCSID conversion that occurs for display files, printer files, and panel groups. The *CHRIDCTL special value must be specified on the CHRID command parameter on the create, change, or override command for display files, printer files, and panel groups before this attribute will be used.

Client IP address - IPv4. The IPv4 address of the client for which this server is doing work. An address is expressed in standard IPv4 dotted-decimal form (for example, This field is not guaranteed to be an IP address. This field will be blank if the address is not explicitly set to a value by the Change Job (QWTCHGJB) API. For additional usage information of the Client IP address, see Retrieve Thread Attribute (QWTRTVTA) API.

Client IP address - IPv4 or IPv6. The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the client for which the specified thread of this server most recently communicated with over sockets. If this field is requested for a job, the value from the initial thread of the job will be returned. If a sockets connection has not been established in the initial thread, or a sockets close() operation has been done this field will be blank. An IPv4 address is expressed in standard dotted-decimal form (for example, An IPv6 address always has at least one occurrence of a colon (':') in the format. Some possible IPv6 address formats would be: ::x (for example, ::1) or (for example, :: For further IPv6 examples and explanation, refer to the Usage Notes section in inet_pton()--Convert IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses Between Text and Binary Form. This field is implicitly set by the operating system.

Coded character set ID. The coded character set identifier used for this job.

Completion status. The completion status of the job.

Country or region ID. The country or region identifier associated with this job.

Current library. The name of the current library for the thread. If no current library exists, the current library existence field is zero and this field has no entry in the list. If this field is requested for a job, the value for the initial thread of the job will be returned.

Current library existence. The current library existence field:

Current number of pending signals. The number of signals that have been received for a signal monitor but whose signal action has not been taken.

Current SQL statement. The SQL statement that is running currently or was last run in the job.

Current system pool identifier. The identifier of the system-related pool from which main storage is currently being allocated for the job's initial thread. These identifiers are not the same as those specified in the subsystem description, but are the same as the system pool identifiers shown on the system status display. If a thread reaches its time-slice end, the pool the thread is running in can be switched based on the job's time-slice end pool value. The current system pool identifier returned will be the actual pool in which the initial thread of the job is running. This field contains zeros if the job is not an active job.

Current user profile. The user profile that the thread for which information is being retrieved is currently running under. This name may differ from the user portion of the job name. If this field is requested for a job, the value for the initial thread of the job will be returned.

Date and time job became active. When the job began to run on the system. This is blank if the job did not become active. It is in the format CYYMMDDHHMMSS, where:

Date and time job ended. When the job completed running on the system, in the CYYMMDDHHMMSS format described for the date and time job became active field.

Date and time job entered system. When the job was placed on the system, in the CYYMMDDHHMMSS format described for the date and time job became active field.

Date and time job is scheduled to run. Date and time the job is scheduled to become active. This field is returned as hexadecimal zeros if the job is not a scheduled job. The format for this field is the system time-stamp format.

Date and time job was put on this job queue. This is the date and time this job was put on this job queue. It is in system timestamp format. This field will contain blanks if the job was not on a job queue.

Date format. The format that the date is presented in. The following values are possible:

Date separator. The value used to separate days, months, and years when presenting a date. The following values are possible:

Day of week. The day of the week. The following values are possible:

DBCS-capable. Whether the job is DBCS-capable.

DDM conversation handling. Specifies whether connections using distributed data management (DDM) protocols remain active when they are not being used. The connections include APPC conversations, active TCP/IP connections or Opti-Connect connections. The DDM protocols are used in Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®) applications, DDM applications, or DB2® Multisystem applications. The following values are possible:

Decimal format. The decimal format used for this job. The following values are possible:

Default coded character set identifier. The default coded character set identifier used for this job. This field contains zeros if the job is not an active job.

Default signal action. The action to be taken by a signal when the signal action specifies that the signal should be handled using the default signal action. Possible values are as follows:

Default wait. The default maximum time (in seconds) that a thread in the job waits for a system instruction, such as a LOCK machine interface (MI) instruction, to acquire a resource. A value of -1 is returned if the value is *NOMAX. A zero is returned for a job on a job queue if a value has not been set for the job.

Device name. The name of the device as identified to the system. For an interactive job, the device where the job started; for all other jobs types it will be blanks.

Device recovery action. The action taken for interactive jobs when an I/O error occurs for the job's requesting program device. The possible values are:

Disk I/O count during the elapsed time (job). The number of disk I/O operations performed by the job during the elapsed time. This is the sum of the asynchronous and synchronous disk I/O.

Disk I/O count during the elapsed time (thread). The number of disk I/O operations performed by the specified thread during the elapsed time. This is the sum of the asynchronous and synchronous disk I/O.

Disk I/O count during the elapsed time - asynchronous I/O (job). The number of asynchronous (physical) disk I/O operations performed by the job during the elapsed time. This value is the sum of the asynchronous database and nondatabase reads and writes.

Disk I/O count during the elapsed time - asynchronous I/O (thread). The number of asynchronous (physical) disk I/O operations performed by the specified thread during the elapsed time. This value is the sum of the asynchronous database and nondatabase reads and writes.

Disk I/O count during the elapsed time - synchronous I/O (job). The number of synchronous (physical) disk I/O operations performed by the job during the elapsed time. This value is the sum of the synchronous database and nondatabase reads and writes.

Disk I/O count during the elapsed time - synchronous I/O (thread). The number of synchronous (physical) disk I/O operations performed by the specified thread during the elapsed time. This value is the sum of the synchronous database and nondatabase reads and writes.

Disk I/O count - total for the job. The total number of disk I/O operations performed by the job across all routing steps. This is the sum of the asynchronous and synchronous disk I/O.

Disk I/O count - total for the thread. The total number of disk I/O operations performed by the specified thread. This is the sum of the asynchronous and synchronous disk I/O.

Elapsed time. The time, in milliseconds, that has elapsed between the measurement start time and the current system time. This value is 0 the first time this API is called by this job. The measurement start is set the first time this API is called and when the reset status statistics is set to reset the elapsed time.

End severity. The message severity level of escape messages that can cause a batch job to end. The batch job ends when a request in the batch input stream sends an escape message, whose severity is equal to or greater than this value, to the request processing program.

End status. Whether the system issued a controlled cancelation. The possible values are:

Exit key. Whether the user pressed the exit key.

Extended object attribute of entity thread is waiting on. The extended attribute of the object, such as a program or file type, that the thread is waiting on. Extended attributes further describe the object. For example, an object type of *PGM may have a value of RPG(RPG program) or CLP(CL program), and an object type of *FILE may have a value of PF(physical file), LF(logical file), DSPF(display file), SAVF(save file), and so on. This field may blank if there is no extended attribute associated with the object type, or the type of entity the thread is waiting on is not an IBM i external object or an IBM i external object space location. If this field is requested for a job, the value for the initial thread of the job will be returned.

Function name. Additional information (as described in the function type field) about the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread.

Function type. This is the last high-level function initiated by the initial thread. This field may not be cleared when a function is completed. The possible values are:

Group profile name. The name of the group profile that is associated with the initial thread. The user's group authority is used if no specific authority is granted for the user. The value *NONE is returned if no group profile name is found.

Group profile name - supplemental. The name of the group profile associated with the initial thread. The user's group authority is used if no specific authority is granted for the user. Up to 15 supplemental group profile names may be specified. Blanks are returned if no supplemental group profile names are found.

Initial thread. Whether this thread is the initial thread of this job.

Inquiry message reply. How the job answers inquiry messages:

Interactive response time - total during the elapsed time. The total interactive response time for the initial thread for the job during the elapsed time. This value does not include the time used by the machine, by the attached input/output (I/O) hardware, and by the transmission lines for sending and receiving data. This field is 0 for noninteractive jobs. When this field is returned by the QGYOLJOB API, the value is in hundredth of seconds. When this field is returned by the QUSRJOBI API, the value is in seconds.

Interactive transactions - count during the elapsed time. The number of user interactions, such as pressing the Enter key or a function key, for the job during the elapsed time for the initial thread. This value is returned for interactive jobs only.

Internal job identifier. A value input to other APIs to increase the speed of locating the job on the system. Only APIs described in this manual use this identifier. The identifier is not valid following an initial program load (IPL). If you attempt to use it after an IPL, an exception occurs.

Job accounting code. An identifier assigned to the job by the system to collect resource use information for the job when job accounting is active.

Job date. This is the date to be used for the job. It is in the format CYYMMDD where C is the century, YY is the year, MM is the month, and DD is the day. A 0 for the century flag indicates years 19xx and a 1 indicates years 20xx. This value is for jobs whose status is *JOBQ or *ACTIVE. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ, the value for this field is blank.

Job description library ASP device name. The name of the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device description for the ASP containing the library for the job description. This field will contain a name or one of the following special values:

Job description library name. The library containing the job description. The job description library name will be blank when the job description name is *SYS.

Job description name. A CHAR(10) representation of the set of job-related attributes used for one or more jobs on the system. These attributes determine how the job is run on the system. Multiple jobs can also use the same job description. The special value of *SYS indicates that the job attributes are defined by the system and do not come from a job description.

Job description name - qualified. A CHAR(20) representation of the set of job-related attributes used for one or more jobs on the system. These attributes determine how the job is run on the system. Multiple jobs can also use the same job description. The format of the qualified name is a 10-character simple object name followed by a 10-character library name. The data is left-justified and padded with blanks on the right. The special value of *SYS indicates that the job attributes are defined by the system and do not come from a job description.

Job end reason. The most recent action that caused the job to end. The possible values are:

Job local time. The current local time of the job expressed as an 8 byte time-of-day timestamp. The time zone current offset for this job has been applied to this time value.

Job log output. How the job log will be produced when the job completes. This does not affect job logs produced when the message queue is full and the job message queue full action specifies *PRTWRAP. Messages in the job message queue are written to a spooled file, from which the job log can be printed, unless the Control Job Log Output (QMHCTLJL) API was used in the job to specify that the messages in the job log are to be written to a database file.

The job log output value can be changed at any time until the job log has been produced or removed. To change the job log output value for a job, use the Change Job (QWTCHGJB) API or the Change Job (CHGJOB) command.

The job log can be displayed at any time until the job log has been produced or removed. To display the job log, use the Display Job Log (DSPJOBLOG) command.

The job log can be removed when the job has completed and the job log has not yet been produced or removed. To remove the job log, use the Remove Pending Job Log (QWTRMVJL) API or the End Job (ENDJOB) command.

The possible values are:

Job log pending. Whether there is a job log that has not yet been written. The writing of the job log may become pending based on the value of the job log output job attribute when the job completes its activity. The job log may also become pending if the job is ended due to a Power Down System (PWRDWNSYS) command, if the system fails while the job is active, or if errors prevent the job from writing its own job log. The possible values are:

Job message queue full action. The action to take when the message queue is full. The values are:

Job message queue maximum size. The maximum size (in megabytes) that the job message queue can become. The range is 2 to 64.

Job name. The name of the job as identified to the system. For an interactive job, the system assigns the job the name of the work station where the job started; for a batch job, you specify the name in the command when you submit the job.

Job number. The system-generated job number.

Job queue library ASP device name. The name of the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device description for the ASP containing the library for the job queue. This field will contain a name or one of the following special values:

Job queue library name. The name of the library where the job queue is located. The value for this field is blank if the value for the job queue name is blank.

Job queue name. The CHAR(10) representation of the name of the job queue that the job is currently on, or that the job was on if it is currently active. If the job is not on a job queue and the job is not a batch job that was started from a job queue, the value for this field is blank. This value is for jobs whose status is *JOBQ or *ACTIVE. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ, the value for this field is blank.

Job queue name - qualified. The CHAR(20) representation of the name of the job queue that the job is currently on, or that the job was on if it is currently active. If the job is not on a job queue and the job is not a batch job that was started from a job queue, the value for this field is blank. This value is for jobs whose status is *JOBQ or *ACTIVE. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ, the value for this field is blank. The format of the qualified name is a 10-character simple object name followed by a 10-character library name. The data is left-justified and padded with blanks on the right.

Job queue priority. The scheduling priority of the job compared to other jobs on the same job queue. The highest priority is 0 and the lowest is 9. This value is for jobs whose status is *JOBQ or *ACTIVE. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ, the value for this field is blank.

Job status. The status of the jobs. The special values are:

Job subtype. Additional information about the job type (if any exists). The possible values are:

Job switches. The current setting of the job switches used by this job. This value is returned for all job types.

Job type. The type of job. The possible values for this field are:

Refer to Comparing Job Type and Subtype with the Work with Active Job Command for information about how the job type field and the job subtype field equate to the type field in the Work with Active Job (WRKACTJOB) command.

Job type - enhanced. The type of job. This field combines the job type and job subtype fields. The possible values are:

Job user identity. The user profile name by which the job is known to other jobs on the system. The job user identity is used for authorization checks when other jobs on the system attempt to operate against the job. For more detail on how the job user identity is set and used, refer to the Set Job User Identity (QWTSJUID) API in the Security part. For jobs that are on a job queue or have completed running, the job user identity is same as the user name from the qualified job name. This field will return blanks for these jobs. A value of *N is returned if the job user identity is set, but the user profile to which it is set no longer exists.

Job user identity setting. An indicator of the method by which the job user identity was set. Possible values are as follows:

Language ID. The language identifier associated with this job.

Library name. The name of the library object.

Library of entity thread is waiting on. The library name of the entity that the thread is waiting on. This field may be blank if the type of entity the thread is waiting on is not an IBM i external object, a member object, an IBM i external object space location, a lock space, or if there is no library associated with the particular type of entity. If the type of entity the thread is waiting on is a member object, this field will return the library name of the file that contains the member. If this field is requested for a job, the value for the initial thread of the job will be returned.

Library text description. The text description of the library object. This field is blank if no text description is specified.

Lock wait time - time during the elapsed time. The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the initial thread has to wait to obtain database, nondatabase, and internal machine locks during the elapsed time.

Logging level. What type of information is logged. The possible values are:

Logging of CL programs. Whether or not commands are logged for CL programs that are run. The possible values are *YES and *NO.

Logging severity. The severity level that is used in conjunction with the logging level to determine which error messages are logged in the job log. The values range from 00 through 99.

Logging text. The level of message text that is written in the job log when a message is logged according to the logging level and logging severity. The possible values are:

Maximum number of signals retained. The number of signals that are kept for a signal monitor when the signal action is blocked.

Maximum processing unit time allowed. The maximum processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job can use. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, this is the maximum processing unit time that the current routing step can use. If the maximum time is exceeded, the job is held. A value of -1 is returned for *NOMAX. A zero is returned for a job on a job queue if a value has not been set for the job. A zero is returned if the job is not active and not on a job queue.

Maximum temporary storage allowed, in kilobytes, if less than 2,147,483,647. The maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) that the job can use. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, this is the maximum temporary storage that the routing step can use. This temporary storage is used for storage required by the program itself and by implicitly created internal system objects used to support the routing step. (It does not include storage for objects in the QTEMP library.) If the maximum temporary storage is exceeded, the job is held. This does not apply to the use of permanent storage, which is controlled through the user profile. A value of -1 is returned for *NOMAX. A zero is returned if the job is not active. If the maximum temporary storage allowed is greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647 kilobytes, a value 2,147,483,647 is returned. Use the Maximum temporary storage allowed, in megabytes, field to retrieve values that are greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647 kilobytes.

Maximum temporary storage allowed, in megabytes. The maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in megabytes) that the job can use. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, this is the maximum temporary storage that the routing step can use. This temporary storage is used for storage required by the program itself and by implicitly created internal system objects used to support the routing step. (It does not include storage for objects in the QTEMP library.) If the maximum temporary storage is exceeded, the job is held. This does not apply to the use of permanent storage, which is controlled through the user profile. A value of -1 is returned for *NOMAX. A zero is returned for a job on a job queue if a value has not been set for the job. A zero is returned if the job is not active and not on a job queue.

Maximum threads. The maximum number of threads that a job can run with at any time. If multiple threads are initiated simultaneously, this value may be exceeded. If this maximum value is exceeded, the excess threads will be allowed to run to their normal completion. Initiation of additional threads will be inhibited until the maximum number of threads in the job drops below this maximum value. A value of -1 is returned for *NOMAX. Note:  Depending on the resources used by the threads and the resources available on the system, the initiation of additional threads may be inhibited before this maximum value is reached.

Memory pool name. The name of the memory pool in which the job started running. The name may be a number, in which case it is a private pool associated with a subsystem. This field contains blanks if the job is not an active job. The following special values may be returned.

Message key, when active job waiting for a message. The key of the message that the initial thread of an active job is waiting for a reply to. If the initial thread is waiting for a message to arrive on a message queue, but it is not waiting for a reply to a specific message, this field contains hex zeroes. Also, if the job is not active or the initial thread is not waiting for any message, this field contains hex zeroes.

Message queue library ASP device name, when active job waiting for a message. The name of the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device description for the ASP containing the library of the message queue that the initial thread of an active job is waiting to receive a message from. This field will contain a name or one of the following special values:

Message queue library name, when active job waiting for a message. The name of the library containing the message queue that the initial thread of an active job is waiting to receive a message from. If the job is not active, the initial thread is not waiting for a message, the initial thread is waiting to receive a message from its job message queue, or the name of the message queue cannot be determined, this field contains blanks.

Message queue name, when active job waiting for a message. The name of the message queue that the initial thread of an active job is waiting to receive a message from. This field will contain a name or one of the following special values:

Message queue name - qualified, when active job waiting for a message. The CHAR(20) representation of the name of the message queue that the initial thread of an active job is waiting to receive a message from. The format of the qualified name is a 10-character simple object name followed by a 10-character library name. Each name is left-justified and padded with blanks on the right. This field will contain a qualified name or one of the following special values:

Message reply. Whether the job is waiting for a reply to a specific message. The field applies only when the active job status or active job status for job ending is MSGW. Possible values are:

Mode name. The mode name of the advanced program-to-program communications device that started the job. Possible values are:

Name of entity thread is waiting on. The name of the entity that the thread is waiting on. The format of the name will vary based on the type of entity the thread is waiting on.

For an IBM i external object, an internal system object, an IBM i external object space location, or an internal system object space location, the format of the name will be as follows(however, an IBM i external object and an IBM i external object space location will only return up to a ten character name):

For a member object, the format of the name will be as follows:

For a lock space object, the format of the name will be as follows:

This field will be blank if the type of entity the thread is waiting on is unknown or the thread is not waiting. This field will also be blank if the name is for an internal system object or an internal system object space location and the user does not have *JOBCTL special authority. If this field is requested for a job, the value for the initial thread of the job will be returned.

Number of auxiliary I/O requests. The number of auxiliary I/O requests performed by the job across all routing steps. This includes both database and nondatabase paging. This is an unsigned BINARY(8) value.

Number of auxiliary I/O requests, if less than 2,147,483,647. The number of auxiliary I/O requests performed by the job across all routing steps. This includes both database and nondatabase paging. If the number of auxiliary I/O requests is greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647, a value of -1 is returned. Use the Number of auxiliary I/O requests field to retrieve values that are greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647.

Number of bytes available. All of the available bytes for use in your application. Note: When you request format JOBI0700 for the Retrieve Job Information (QUSRJOBI) API, the actual length depends on how many libraries are in the library list.

Number of bytes returned. The number of bytes returned to the user. This may be some but not all of the bytes available.

Number of database lock waits. The number of times that the initial thread had to wait to obtain a database lock. (These performance attributes may be a cumulative job total in a future release.)

Number of interactive transactions. The count of operator interactions, such as pressing the Enter key or a function key. This field is zero for jobs that have no interactions.

Number of internal machine lock waits. The number of times that the initial thread had to wait to obtain an internal machine lock. (These performance attributes may be a cumulative job total in a future release.)

Number of libraries in SYSLIBL. The number of libraries in the system part of the library list of the initial thread.

Number of libraries in USRLIBL. The number of libraries in the user library list of the initial thread.

Number of nondatabase lock waits. The number of times that the initial thread had to wait to obtain a nondatabase lock. (These performance attributes may be a cumulative job total in a future release.)

Number of product libraries. The number of product libraries found in the library list of the initial thread.

Object library for SQL cursor. The name of the library the object is in that contains the associated SQL open cursor.

Object name for SQL cursor. The name of the object that contains the associated SQL open cursor.

Object type for SQL cursor. The type of object with which the SQL cursor is associated.

Object type of entity thread is waiting on. The object type of the entity the thread is waiting on. This field may be blank if the type of entity that the thread is waiting on is not a defined IBM i external object, a member object, an internal system object, an IBM i external object space location, or an internal system object space location. For a list of all the available external IBM i object types, see External object types. For a list of all internal system object types, see Internal object types. If this field is requested for a job, the value for the initial thread of the job will be returned.

Output queue library name. The name of the library containing the output queue.

Output queue name. The name of the default output queue that is used for spooled output produced by this job. The default output queue is only for spooled printer files that specify *JOB for the output queue.

Output queue name - qualified. The qualified name of the default output queue that is used for spooled output produced by this job and the name of the library that contains the output queue. The default output queue is only for spooled printer files that specify *JOB for the output queue. The format of the qualified name is a 10-character simple object name followed by a 10-character library name. The data is left-justified and padded with blanks on the right.

Output queue priority. The output priority for spooled output files that this job produces. The highest priority is 0, and the lowest is 9.

Page fault count during the elapsed time (job). The number of times an active program referenced an address that is not in main storage for the specified job during the elapsed time.

Page fault count during the elapsed time (thread). The number of times an active program referenced an address that is not in main storage for the specified thread during the elapsed time.

Page faults. The number of times an active program referenced an address that is not in main storage during the current routing step of the specified job.

Peak temporary storage used, in megabytes. The maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in megabytes) that the job has used.

Processor resources priority. The priority used by the operating system to determine the relative importance of the job when it is dispatched compared to other jobs that are dispatched when simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is enabled. The possible values are:

Pending signal set. A bit field that is used to determine the set of signals that have been received but not acted upon by a signal monitor. The nth bit in the pending signal set represents the nth signal monitor defined for the job. If a bit within the pending signal set has a value of 1, then a signal is present but has not been acted upon yet.

Print key format. Whether border and header information is provided when the Print key is pressed.

Print text. The line of text (if any) that is printed at the bottom of each page of printed output for the job.

Printer device name. The printer device used for printing output from this job.

Process ID number. A unique UNIX®-style process ID number (PID) that is associated with the current routing step of the job. A value of 1 indicates that the PID has not been set.

Processing unit time used for database - total for the job. The amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used for processing data base requests across all routing steps. This is an unsigned BINARY(8) value. (Note: This field is deprecated.)

Processing unit time used for database - total for the thread.The amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the specified thread used for processing database requests. This is an unsigned BINARY(8) value. (Note: This field is deprecated.)

Processing unit time used, if less than 2,147,483,647 milliseconds. The amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used. If the processing unit time used is greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647 milliseconds, a value of -1 is returned. Use the Processing unit time used - total for the job field to retrieve values that are greater than or equal to 2,147,483,647.

Processing unit time used - total for the job. The amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job used across all routing steps. This is an unsigned BINARY(8) value.

Processing unit time used - total for the thread.The amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by the specified thread. This is an unsigned BINARY(8) value.

Processing unit used for database - percent during the elapsed time (job). The percentage (in tenths) of processing unit used for database processing during the elapsed time by the specified job. For example, a value of 411 in binary would be 41.1 percent. For multiple-processor systems, this is the average across processors. For an uncapped partition, this is the percentage (in tenths) of the configured uncapped shared processing capacity for the partition that was used for database processing during the elapsed time. This percentage could be greater than 100% for an uncapped partition. (Note: This field is deprecated.)

Processing unit used for database - percent during the elapsed time (thread). The percentage (in tenths) of processing unit used for database processing during the elapsed time by the specified thread. For example, a value of 411 in binary would be 41.1 percent. For multiple-processor systems, this is the average across processors. For an uncapped partition, this is the percentage (in tenths) of the configured uncapped shared processing capacity for the partition that was used for database processing during the elapsed time. This percentage could be greater than 100% for an uncapped partition. (Note: This field is deprecated.)

Processing unit used for database - time during the elapsed time (job). The amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) used for database processing during the elapsed time by the specified job. (Note: This field is deprecated.)

Processing unit used for database - time during the elapsed time (thread). The amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) used for database processing during the elapsed time by the specified thread. (Note: This field is deprecated.)

Processing unit used - percent during the elapsed time (job). The percentage (in tenths) of processing time used during the elapsed time. For example, a value of 411 in binary would be 41.1 percent. For multiple-processor systems, this is the average across processors. For an uncapped partition, this is the percentage (in tenths) of the configured uncapped shared processing capacity for the partition that was used during the elapsed time. This percentage could be greater than 100% for an uncapped partition.

Processing unit used - percent during the elapsed time (thread). The percentage (in tenths) of processing time used during the elapsed time by the specified thread. For example, a value of 411 in binary would be 41.1 percent. For multiple-processor systems, this is the average across processors. For an uncapped partition, this is the percentage (in tenths) of the configured uncapped shared processing capacity for the partition that was used during the elapsed time. This percentage could be greater than 100% for an uncapped partition.

Processing unit used - percent during the elapsed time in hundredths (job). The percentage (in hundredths) of processing time used during the elapsed time. For example, a value of 4112 in binary would be 41.12 percent. For multiple-processor systems, this is the average across processors. For an uncapped partition, this is the percentage (in hundredths) of the configured uncapped shared processing capacity for the partition that was used during the elapsed time. This percentage could be greater than 100% for an uncapped partition.

Processing unit used - time during the elapsed time (job). The amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) used during the elapsed time by the specified job.

Processing unit used - time during the elapsed time (thread). The amount of processing unit time (in milliseconds) used during the elapsed time by the specified thread.

Product libraries. The libraries that contain product information for the thread. If requesting this field for a job, the information for the initial thread of the job will be returned. If this field is defined as a CHAR(11), a blank will be in the last position of the name.

Product return code. The return code set by the compiler for Integrated Language Environment® (ILE) languages. Refer to the appropriate ILE-conforming language manual for possible values. This field is scoped to the job and represents the most recent return code set by any thread within the job.

Program return code. If the job contains any RPG, COBOL, data file utility (DFU), or sort utility programs, the completion status of the last program that has finished running is shown; otherwise, a value of zero is shown.

Purge. Whether or not the job is eligible to be moved out of main storage and put into auxiliary storage at the end of a time slice or when it is beginning a long wait (such as waiting for a work station user's response). This attribute is ignored when more than one thread is active within the job. The possible values are:

QTEMP library size, in bytes. The amount of storage used by objects in the job's temporary library (QTEMP). Objects that are locked, damaged, or not authorized are not included. A value of 0 is returned if the size cannot be returned by the api.

Relational Database name. The name used to uniquely identify a data source or relational database.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Resources affinity group. Specifies whether or not the job is grouped together with other jobs on the same set of processors and memory. The Resources affinity group (RSCAFNGRP) parameter on the Add Routing Entry (ADDRTGE) or Add Prestart Job Entry (ADDPJE) commands determines how jobs are grouped. The possible values are:

Response time total. The total amount of response time for the initial thread, in milliseconds. This value does not include the time used by the machine, by the attached input/output (I/O) hardware, and by the transmission lines for sending and receiving data. This field is zero for jobs that have no interactions. A value of -1 is returned if the field is not large enough to hold the actual result.

Routing data. The routing data that is used to determine the routing entry that identifies the program to start for the routing step.

Run priority (job). The priority at which the job is currently running, relative to other jobs on the system. The run priority ranges from 0 (highest priority) to 99 (lowest priority).

Run priority (thread). The run priority for the thread relative to the priority of the other threads that are running in the system. This is displayed as a number ranging from 0 (highest priority) to 99 (lowest priority). The value may never be higher than the run priority for the job in which the thread is running. A zero is returned for a job on a job queue if a value has not been set for the job. When this value is returned by QUSRJOBI format JOBI0200 and the job is on a job queue, a zero is returned in all cases.

Server mode for Structured Query Language. Whether or not Structured Query Language (SQL) statements should run in a separate server job. The possible values are:

Server type. The type of server represented by the job. A value of blanks or hex zeros indicates that the job is not part of a server.

Signal action. The action to be taken when a signal is received for a signal monitor. Possible values are as follows:

Signal blocking mask. A bit field that is used to represent the set of signals whose signal actions are to be held for the initial thread of the job. The nth bit in the signal blocking mask represents the nth signal monitor defined for the initial thread. If a bit within the signal blocking mask has a value of 1, then the signal action is blocked and the signal is held.

Signal monitor data. The signal information for a given signal monitor for the job. This information consists of the signal number, signal action, default signal action, maximum number of signals to be retained, and the current number of signals pending.

Signal number. A numeric value assigned to the signal monitor. This value is used to locate the signal monitor for the job when a signal is sent to the job.

Signal status. A numerical value used to determine if the job is enables to receive signals from another job or the system.

Signed-on job. Whether the job is a to be treated like a signed-on user on the system.

Sort sequence library. The sort sequence library associated with this job.

Sort sequence table name. The sort sequence table associated with this job. Possible values are:

Sort sequence table - qualified. The qualified name of the sort sequence table associated with this job. The format of the qualified name is a 10-character sort sequence table name followed by a 10-character library name. The data is left-justified and padded with blanks on the right. If the sort sequence table name is a special value, the library name is blank.

Special environment. Whether the job is running in a particular environment. Possible values are:

Spooled file action. Whether spooled files are accessed through job interfaces after the job has completed is normal activity. The possible values are:

SQL cursor name. The name of the SQL cursor.

SQL open cursor data. The SQL cursor information for a given SQL cursor for the job. This information consists of the object name, object library, object type, SQL cursor name, and SQL statement name.

SQL statement name. The name of the SQL statement that is associated with the SQL cursor.

Status message handling. Whether you want status messages displayed for this job. The possible values are:

Status of current SQL statement. The status of the current SQL statement. The possible values are:

Status of job on the job queue. The status of this job on the job queue.

Submitter's job name. The job name of the submitter's job. If the job has no submitter, this field is blank.

Submitter's job name - qualified. The qualified job name of the submitter's job. The format of the qualified job name is a 10-character simple job name, a 10-character user name, and a 6-character job number. If the job has no submitter, this field is blank.

Submitter's job number. The job number of the submitter's job. If the job has no submitter, this field is blank.

Submitter's message queue library name. The name of the library that contains the message queue. If the job has no submitter, this field is blank.

Submitter's message queue name. The name of the message queue where the system sends a completion message when a batch job ends. If the job has no submitter, this field is blank.

Submitter's message queue name - qualified. The qualified name of the message queue where the system sends a completion message when a batch job ends and the name of the library that contains the message queue. If the job has no submitter, this field is blank. The format of the qualified name is a 10-character simple object name followed by a 10-character library name. The data is left-justified and padded with blanks on the right.

Submitter's user name. The user name of the submitter. If the job has no submitter, this field is blank.

Subsystem description library name. The library that contains the subsystem description. This value is only for jobs whose status is *ACTIVE. For jobs with a status of *OUTQ or *JOBQ, the value for this field is blank.

Subsystem description name. The name of the subsystem in which an active job is running. This value is only for jobs whose status is *ACTIVE. For jobs with status of *OUTQ or *JOBQ, the value for this field is blank.

Subsystem description name - qualified. The qualified name of the subsystem in which an active job is running. The format of the qualified name is a 10-character simple object name followed by a 10-character library name. This value is only for jobs whose status is *ACTIVE. For jobs with status of *OUTQ or *JOBQ, the value for this field is blank.

System library list. The system portion of the library list of the thread. If requesting this field for a job, the information for the initial thread of the job will be returned. If this field is defined as a CHAR(11), a blank will be in the last position of the name.

System pool identifier. The identifier of the system-related pool from which the job's main storage is allocated. These identifiers are not the same as those specified in the subsystem description, but are the same as the system pool identifiers shown on the system status display. This is the pool that the threads in the job start in. Also see the Current system pool identifier field for more information.

Temporary storage used, in kilobytes, if less than 2,147,483,647. The amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) that is currently allocated to this job. Note:  This value will reach a maximum of 2 147 483 647 kilobytes. If the actual temporary storage used is larger than that value, this field will return 2 147 483 647 kilobytes. It is recommended that the temporary storage used in megabytes field be used to get over this limit.

Temporary storage used in megabytes. The amount of auxiliary storage (in megabytes) that is currently allocated to this job. This is an UNSIGNED BINARY(4) value.

Thread count. The count of the current number of active threads in the process at the time of the materialization. An active thread may be either actively running, suspended, or waiting for a resource.

Thread hold count. The count of the number of times that the specified thread has been held using the hold thread interface. If this field is requested for a job, the value for the initial thread of the job will be returned.

Thread resources affinity. Specifies whether or not secondary threads are grouped together with the initial thread when they are started. If they are grouped together, they will have affinity to, or a preference for, the same set of processors and memory, which may affect performance. The first 10 characters contain a special value indicating how the threads will be grouped. The possible values are:

The last 10 characters contain a special value that indicates to what degree the system tries to maintain the affinity of threads to the system resources that they are internally assigned to. The possible values are:

Thread status. The current status of the thread. If this field is requested for a job, the value for the initial thread of the job will be returned. The status of a thread may be one of the following values:

Thread type. The thread type indicates how the thread was created. If this field is requested for a job, the value for the initial thread of the job will be returned. The type of a thread may be one of the following values:

Time separator. The value used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds when presenting a time. The following values are possible:

Time slice. The maximum amount of processor time (in milliseconds) given to each thread in this job before other threads in this job and in other jobs are given the opportunity to run. The time slice establishes the amount of time needed by a thread in this job to accomplish a meaningful amount of processing. At the end of the time slice, the thread might be put in an inactive state so that other threads can become active in the storage pool. Values retrieved range from 8 through 9999999 (that is, 9 999 999 milliseconds or 9999.999 seconds). Although you can specify a value of less than 8, the system takes a minimum of 8 milliseconds to run a process. A zero is returned for a job on a job queue if a value has not been set for the job.

Time-slice end pool. Whether you want a thread in an interactive job moved to another main storage pool at the end of its time slice. The possible values are:

Time spent on database lock waits. The cumulative amount of time, in milliseconds, that the initial thread has had to wait to obtain database locks. (These performance attributes may be a cumulative job total in a future release.)

Time spent on internal machine lock waits. The cumulative amount of time, in milliseconds, that the initial thread has had to wait to obtain internal machine locks. (These performance attributes may be a cumulative job total in a future release.)

Time spent on nondatabase lock waits. The cumulative amount of time, in milliseconds, that the initial thread has had to wait to obtain nondatabase locks. (These performance attributes may be a cumulative job total in a future release.)

Time zone current abbreviated name. The abbreviated, or short, name for the time zone. This field will contain either the standard or Daylight Saving Time abbreviated name depending on whether or not Daylight Saving Time is in effect. If the time zone description uses a message to specify the current abbreviated name and the message cannot be retrieved, this field returns *N. This can occur when the caller of the API is not authorized to the message file or its library, the message file cannot be found or the message does not exist in the message file.

Time zone current full name. The full, or long, name for the time zone. This field will contain either the standard or Daylight Saving Time full name depending on whether or not Daylight Saving Time is in effect. If the time zone description uses a message to specify the current full name and the message cannot be retrieved, this field returns *N. This can occur when the caller of the API is not authorized to the message file or its library, the message file cannot be found or the message does not exist in the message file.

Time zone current message identifier. The identifier of the message that contains the current full and abbreviated names. The message identifier could be *NONE if a message was not specified when the time zone description was created.

Time zone current offset. The offset, in minutes, used to calculate local job time. This value has been adjusted for Daylight Saving Time, if necessary.

Time zone Daylight Saving Time indicator. The indicator that is used to specify whether or not Daylight Saving Time is being observed. Valid values that are returned are:

Time zone description name. The name of the time zone description that is used to calculate local job time.

Time zone message file name - qualified. The qualified name of the message file used to retrieve the Standard Time message and the Daylight Saving Time message. The format of the qualified name is a 10-character simple object name followed by a 10-character library name. The library name may contain *LIBL which means that the library list is searched to locate the message file. The message file name and the library name are left-justified and padded with blanks on the right. If a message was not specified when the time zone description was created or last changed, this field returns *NONE.

Time zone year offset. The number of years that the current year in the calendar system used with this time zone differs from the current Gregorian year. The range is -140 to 140.

Type of entity thread is waiting on. The type of entity, such as an IBM i external object, that the thread is waiting on. If this field is requested for a job, the value for the initial thread of the job will be returned. The type of entity may be one of the following values:

Unit of work ID. The unit of work ID is used to track jobs across multiple systems. If a job is not associated with a source or target system using advanced program-to-program communications (APPC), this information is not used. Every job on the system is assigned a unit of work ID. The unit-of-work identifier is made up of:

User library list. The user portion of the library list for the thread. If requesting this field for a job, the information for the initial thread of the job will be returned. If this field is defined as a CHAR(11), a blank will be in the last position of the name.

User name. The user name of the job, which is the same as the name of the user profile under which the job was started. It can come from several different sources depending on the type of job. This may be different than the user profile under which the job is currently running. See the Current user profile field for more information.

User return code. The user-defined return code set by ILE high-level language constructs. An example is the program return code in the C language. This field is scoped to the job and represents the most recent return code set by any thread within the job. Do not use this field. Many operating system functions run C code and change the value of the user return code. Changes to this field occur at times that cannot be predicted or controlled by user programming, even when the job is single-threaded. To receive a value returned by a called program, it is better to provide a parameter to receive that value rather than to rely on this job-scoped user return code field.

Workload group. The name of the workload group to which the job belongs. If the job is not part of a workload group, this field is blank.

Comparing Job Type, Subtype, and Enhanced Job Type with the Work with Active Job Command

The following table compares the job type, job subtype, and enhanced job type fields returned by the QUSRJOBI API to the type field on the Work with Active Job (WRKACTJOB) command.

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