proc_mobility_base_set Subroutine


Sets or unsets attributes used by AIX® Live Update to indicate that the current process is a base process.


Standard C library (libc.a)


#include <sys/mobility.h>

int  proc_mobility_base_set (pid , flag),
pid_t pid;
int flag


The proc_mobility_base_set subroutine can be used to register the calling process as a base process for a Live Update operation.

Base processes are those that are not saved and migrated during a Live Update operation. The base processes are left behind on the original logical partition (LPAR), rather than being migrated to the surrogate LPAR.

Only a process that is a child of the init process can be registered as a base process. Otherwise, error code EINVAL is returned.

proc_mobility_base_set subroutine can be used to register a base process only while a Live Kernel Update (LKU), is in progress. If there is no LKU in progress, error code EAGAIN is returned


Item Description
pid Process ID to act upon. The value 0 indicates the current process. If a non-zero value is specified, it must match the PID of the calling process.
flag MOBILITY_BASE_PROCESS flag sets the base attribute. The value 0 is used to unset the base attribute.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Success
1 Error

Error Codes

Error Code Description
ENOSYS No mobility system in place.
ESRCH No such process.
EINVAL Input arguments not valid.
EAGAIN No LKU, is under progress


The following example shows the usages of the  proc_mobility_base_set subroutine:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mobility.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int rc = 0;
	pid_t pid = getpid();

	/* Mark this process as a base process */
	rc = proc_mobility_base_set(0, MOBILITY_BASE_PROCESS);

	if (rc) {
		printf(“proc_mobility_base_set failed, errno %d\n”, errno);

	printf(“Process %d is now marked as a base process.\n”, pid);
