pm_stop_thread and pm_tstop_thread Subroutine


Stops Performance Monitor counting for a target thread.


Performance Monitor APIs Library (libpmapi.a)


#include <pmapi.h>

int pm_stop_thread (pid, tid)
pid_t pid;
tid_t tid;

int pm_tstop_thread (pid,  tid, *time)
pid_t pid;
tid_t tid;
timebasestruct_t *time;  


This subroutine supports only the 1:1 threading model. It has been superseded by the pm_stop_pthread subroutine, which supports both the 1:1 and the M:N threading models. A call to this subroutine is equivalent to a call to the pm_stop_pthread subroutine with a ptid parameter equal to 0.

The pm_stop_thread subroutine stops Performance Monitor counting for a target kernel thread. The thread must be stopped and must be part of a debuggee process, under the control of the calling process.

The pm_tstop_thread subroutine stops Performance Monitor counting for a target kernel thread, and returns a timestamp indicating when the counting was stopped.


Item Description
pid Process ID of target thread. Target process must be a debuggee of the caller process.
tid Thread ID of target thread.
*time Pointer to a structure containing the timebase value when the counting was stopped. This can be converted to time using the time_base_to_time subroutine.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Operation completed successfully.
Positive error code Refer to the pm_error Subroutine to decode the error code.

Error Codes

Refer to the pm_error Subroutine.


Item Description
/usr/include/pmapi.h Defines standard macros, data types, and subroutines.