pm_delete_program_pthread Subroutine


Deletes the previously established Performance Monitor settings for a target pthread.


Performance Monitor APIs Library (libpmapi.a)


#include <pmapi.h>

int pm_delete_program_pthread ( pid,  tid,  ptid)
pid_t pid;
tid_t tid;
ptid_t ptid;


The pm_delete_program_pthread subroutine deletes the previously established Performance Monitor settings for a target pthread. The pthread must be stopped and must be part of a debuggee process under the control of the calling process.

If the pthread is running in 1:1 mode, only the tid parameter must be specified. If the pthread is running in m:n mode, only the ptid parameter must be specified. If both the ptid and tid parameters are specified, they must be referring to a single pthread with the ptid parameter specified and currently running on a kernel thread with specified tid parameter.


Item Description
pid Process ID of target pthread. Target process must be a debuggee under the control of the caller process.
tid Thread ID of target pthread. To ignore this parameter, set it to 0.
ptid Pthread ID of the target pthread. To ignore this parameter, set it to 0.

Return Values

Item Description
0 No errors occurred.
Positive error code Refer to thepm_error Subroutine to decode the error code.

Error Codes

Refer to the pm_error Subroutine.


Item Description
/usr/include/pmapi.h Defines standard macros, data types, and subroutines.