SERIESFILTER subcommand (TCM MODEL command)

The SERIESFILTER subcommand specifies particular series for which output is displayed. The content of the output for the specified series is determined by the FILTEREDOUTPUT subcommand. You can specify multiple SERIESFILTER subcommands.

The FIELDS keyword is required and specifies the list of fields that contain the series that you want. The keyword TO is supported but the keyword ALL is not supported. For multidimensional data, all series that are contained in each specified field are included by default. You can specify a subset of series by specifying particular sets of values for one or more dimension fields on the DIMVALUES keyword.
Specifies optional lists of dimension field values that define a subset of series for the fields that are specified on the FIELDS keyword. The DIMVALUES keyword applies only to multidimensional data. The form of the specification for a particular dimension field is dimField(INCLUDE|EXCLUDE=dimValueList), where dimField is the name of the field and dimValueList is a list of values for that field.
  • The INCLUDE or EXCLUDE keyword is required.
  • INCLUDE specifies a list of values, from the associated dimension field, to include.
  • EXCLUDE specifies a list of values, from the associated dimension field, to exclude.
  • You can specify included or excluded values for one or more dimension fields. For dimension fields that are not specified on DIMVALUES, all values of the associated field are included.
  • Fields that are specified on the DIMVALUES keyword do not support ALL and TO.
  • String values do not need to be quoted, unless the string contains apostrophes or quotation marks. If the string contains apostrophes or single quotes, then enclose the string in double quotes. If the string contains double quotes, then enclose the string in single quotes.