SAVE subcommand (TCM MODEL command)

The SAVE subcommand saves new variables that represent predicted values, residuals, and confidence intervals. By default, no new variables are saved.

  • Specify one or more keywords, along with optional rootnames to be used as the prefix for new variable names.
  • The rootname, if specified, must conform to the rules for valid variable names.
  • If the DATA keyword of the OUTFILE subcommand is specified, then the new variables are written to that location. If the DATA keyword is not specified and the new variables cannot be written to the active dataset, then they are written to an autogenerated dataset. New variables can be written to the active dataset only if the observations are defined by a date specification, or record order, and the data are not aggregated.
Specifies that new variables are created for all targets in the model system.
Specifies that new variables are created just for the targets that are specified by the TARGETFILTER and SERIESFILTER subcommands. This option is the default.
Saves model fit and forecast values. The default rootname is Predicted.
CL(LCLROOT=rootname UCLROOT=rootname)
Saves upper and lower confidence limits. LCLROOT specifies the root name for the lower confidence limit and UCLROOT specifies the root name for the upper confidence limit. The default root name for the lower confidence limit is LCL and the default root name for the upper confidence limit is UCL.
Saves noise residuals. The default rootname is NResidual.
Creates a variable that indicates whether a record contains forecast data. You can specify the variable name. The default is ForecastIndicator.