IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Version 7.1

Linux: Formatting the database and log

Use the DSMSERV FORMAT utility to initialize a server instance. No other server activity is allowed while initializing the database and recovery log.

After you set up server communications, you are ready to initialize the database. Ensure that you log in by using the instance user ID. Do not place the directories on file systems that might run out of space. If certain directories (for example, the archive log) become unavailable or full, the server stops.

For optimal performance and to facilitate I/O, specify at least two equally sized containers or Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) for the database. See Optimizing Performance for more information about the configuration of directories for the database. In addition, each active log and archive log should have its own container or LUN.

Initializing a server instance

Use the DSMSERV FORMAT utility to initialize a server instance. For example, issue the following command:

Linux operating systems
dsmserv format dbdir=/tsmdb001 activelogsize=8192
activelogdirectory=/activelog archlogdirectory=/archlog 
archfailoverlogdirectory=/archfaillog mirrorlogdirectory=/mirrorlog
Linux operating systems Tip: If DB2® does not start after you issue the DSMSERV FORMAT command, you might need to disable the file system mount option NOSUID. If this option is set on the file system that contains the DB2 instance owner directory, or on any file system that contains the DB2 database, active logs, archive logs, failover logs, or mirrored logs, the option must be disabled to start the system.
After you disable the NOSUID option, remount the file system and then start DB2 by issuing the following command:

For more information, see DSMSERV FORMAT.
