Configuring a vSphere Cloud Provider during IBM Cloud Private installation

Configure a vSphere Cloud Provider during the installation of your IBM® Cloud Private cluster.

You can configure the vSphere cloud by updating the <installation_directory>/cluster/config.yaml file, or by using a custom configuration file that has the vSphere configuration parameters.

Before you begin, ensure that you adhere to the prerequisites. For more information, see Prerequisites and limitations.

Use the config.yaml file for vSphere Cloud Provider configuration

Add vSphere information to the config.yaml file.

  kubelet_nodename: hostname
  cloud_provider: vsphere
    user: "<vCenter username for vSphere Cloud Provider>"
    password: "<password for vCenter user>"
    server: <vCenter server IP or FQDN>
    port: [vCenter Server Port; default: 443]
    insecure_flag: [set to 1 if vCenter uses a self-signed certificate]
    datacenter: <datacenter name on which Node VMs are deployed>
    datastore: <default datastore to be used for provisioning volumes>
    working_dir: <vCenter VM folder path in which node VMs are located; Do not set the root folder as the working directory>

Following are the parameter descriptions:

Use a custom configuration file for vSphere Cloud Provider configuration

You can use a custom configuration file that has vSphere configuration parameters. You must name this custom file as vsphere.conf and must place it in the <installation_directory>/cluster/misc/cloud_provider/ folder.

If the cloud_provider folder does not exist, create it in the <installation_directory>/cluster/misc/ path and then place the custom file in the folder.

Do not add the vsphere_conf: section in the config.yaml file. Instead, add the following configuration in the config.yaml file:

kubelet_nodename: hostname
cloud_provider: vsphere

For more information about creating a custom configuration file, see vSphere cloud config file for Kubernetes version 1.9.x and above Opens in a new tab.

For sample configuration files, see Deployment scenarios.

What to do next

Continue with IBM Cloud Private installation.