IBM Cloud Private CLI catalog commands (catalog)

Learn about the cloudctl catalog commands that you can run to manage your Helm charts.

cloudctl catalog

cloudctl catalog charts

List Helm charts from the cluster Helm repositories.


cloudctl catalog charts [--repo HELM_REPO_NAME]

   --repo value, -r value  The name of the target helm repository. Run 'cloudctl catalog repos' to list the repositories.
   --json                  Display output in JSON format.
   -s                      Do not show the column headers in the output.

cloudctl catalog create-archive

Creates a catalog archive file that contains Docker images and Helm charts.


cloudctl catalog create-archive --archive ARCHIVE_TO_CREATE [--chart CHART_ARCHIVE_OR_DIR | --spec SPEC_FILE] [--values VALUES_YAML_FILE]
     Before you create the archive, you must set up Docker. See

   --values value, -f value   The path to an optional values.yaml file
   --archive value, -a value  The path to write the archive tgz
   --chart value, -c value    The path to the Helm chart tgz archive or chart directory
   --spec value, -s value     The path to a spec file to create a archive of charts
   --architectures value      The resulting archive will only include images for the architectures specified [amd64, ppc64le, s390x, etc]
   --skip-cleanup value       Skip removing of images used during archive creation

cloudctl catalog delete-chart

Deletes a Helm chart from the IBM Cloud Private internal registry.


cloudctl catalog delete-chart --name HELM_CHART_NAME [--repo HELM_REPO_NAME] [--version HELM_CHART_VERSION]

   --name value, -n value     The name of the helm chart to delete
   --repo value, -r value     The name of the target helm repository. Run 'cloudctl catalog repos' to list the repositories.
   --version value, -v value  The version of the helm chart to delete

cloudctl catalog load-archive

Load Docker images and Helm charts from a catalog archive file or an expanded archive path.


cloudctl catalog load-archive --archive ARCHIVE [--registry REGISTRY] [--repo HELM_REPO_NAME]
    Before you load the archive, you must set up Docker. See

   --archive value, -a value  The path to a catalog archive tgz file or a path to an expanded archive.
   --registry value           The registry that the docker image will be pushed to. Example 'mycluster.icp:8500/namespace'.
                              If not specified, images will be uploaded to the registry associated with the default cluster CA domain.
                              Run 'cloudctl target' to see the current targeted namespace.
   --repo value, -r value     The name of the target helm repository. Run 'cloudctl catalog repos' to list the repositories.
                              If not specified, the 'local-charts' repository is used.
   --username value           Docker username. This is required if you are using a Mac. Can also be set in the environment as DOCKER_USER.
   --password value           Docker password. This is required if you are using a Mac. Can also be set in the environment as DOCKER_PWD.

cloudctl catalog load-chart

Loads a Helm chart archive to an IBM Cloud Private cluster.


cloudctl catalog load-chart --archive HELM_CHART_ARCHIVE [--repo HELM_REPO_NAME]
    Before you load a Helm chart, you may need to push your images to the private registry. See

   --archive value, -a value  The path to the Helm chart tgz archive or chart directory
   --repo value, -r value     The name of the target helm repository. Run 'cloudctl catalog repos' to list the repositories.

cloudctl catalog load-images

Loads Docker images in to an IBM Cloud Private internal Docker registry.


cloudctl catalog load-images --registry REGISTRY [--repo IMAGE_REPO_NAME] [--repo-pattern IMAGE_REPO_REGEXP] [--label IMAGE_LABEL_NAME] [--label-pattern IMAGE_LABEL_REGEXP] [-f]

   --registry value      The host name of the registry to load the images too
   --repo value          The exact name of the repository of the images to load
   --repo-pattern value  The pattern to match the repository of the images to load
   --tag value           The exact name of the label of the images to load
   --tag-pattern value   The pattern to match the label of the images to load
   -f                    Force the load of images with no user prompts

cloudctl catalog repos

List Helm repositories.


cloudctl catalog repos

   --json  Display output in JSON format.
   -s      Do not show the column headers in the output.