Uninstalling IBM Cloud Private-CE

Uninstall IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition).

  1. Log in to the boot node as a user with root permissions. The boot node is usually your master node. For more information about node types, see Architecture. During installation, you specify the IP addresses for each node type.
  2. Change to the cluster directory within your IBM Cloud Private-CE installation directory.

     cd /<installation_directory>/cluster
  3. Uninstall IBM Cloud Private-CE.

     docker run -e LICENSE=accept --net=host \
     -t -v "$(pwd)":/installer/cluster \
     ibmcom/icp-inception:3.1.1 uninstall

    Note: If the uninstall process hangs, reboot the node and then run the uninstall command.

  4. Restart Docker on each node in your cluster. Run the following command on each node:

     service docker restart
  5. Restart all nodes in your cluster.

Note: If you had a GlusterFS cluster, uninstalling IBM Cloud Private-CE deletes the Heketi and GlusterFS pods. However, the logical volumes are not removed. You can recover data from these logical volumes. For more information about recovering data, see Recovering data from a GlusterFS volume. If you need to reuse the disks for a reinstallation of GlusterFS, see Prepare the disks to be used for GlusterFS installation.