IBM Security Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On, Version 8.2.1

Starting the WebSphere Application Server on Windows

Start the WebSphere® Application Server on a network deployment cluster or stand-alone Windows environment after a shutdown or reboot.

About this task

If you must restart a WebSphere Application Server application, you must stop the application first before restarting. If you have multiple nodes in a cluster, you must start the node agent service on each node individually.

WebSphere Application Server includes command-line tools such as startServer.bat, startNode.bat, and startManager.bat as alternatives for starting servers, node agents, or the deployment manager node.

You might be prompted to supply additional WebSphere Application Server administrator credentials as arguments when using these administrative commands. You can check the WebSphere Application Server product documentation for help on using command-line tools with security turned on.

Note: If a service was created for the WebSphere Application Server and node agent, the WebSphere Application Server and node agent service is started automatically after the host is restarted.



You started the WebSphere Application Server.


See the following examples of additional ways of starting the node agent:

  • Start the node agent by using the WebSphere startNode.bat command.

    In a command prompt type <was_home>\profiles\Custom01\bin\startNode

  • Start the node agent Windows service (command-line)
    1. Click Start > Run. Type cmd.
    2. In the command prompt, type net start "IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0 - <node agent service name>" and press Enter.

      For example: net start "IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0 - Custom01_nodeagent".

      The screen ends with the following lines:
      The IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0 - Custom01_nodeagent service was started 

  • Start the node agent (Windows Services management console).

    1. Click Start > Run.
    2. Type services.msc.
    3. Select the IBM® WebSphere Application Server node agent service. For example: IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0 - Custom01_nodeagent.
    4. Click Start.
    Note: If there is no node agent service available, you did not create a Windows service for the node agent.

What to do next

(Stand-alone) Verify that the stand-alone server is started. Log on to the WebSphere administrative console.

(Network deployment) Verify that the cluster, node agent, and deployment manager nodes are started. Log on to the WebSphere administrative console to determine the status of each component.
