IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, Version 7.4


Metacharacters are non-alphabetic characters that possess special meanings in regular expressions.

The set of metacharacters that can be used in extended regular expression syntax is as follows:

* + ? $ ^ . () | \ {} [

The following table describes all of these metacharacters except the square bracket [ metacharacter. You can use the [ metacharacter to construct bracket expressions.

Table 1. Metacharacters
Metacharacter Description Examples
* Matches zero or more instances of the preceding atom. Matches as many instances as possible. goo* matches my godness, my goodness, and my gooodness, but not my gdness.
+ Matches one or more instances of the preceding atom. Matches as many instances as possible. goo+ matches my goodness and my gooodness, but not my godness.
? Matches zero or more instances of the preceding atom. goo? matches my godness, my goodness, and my gooodness, but not my gdness.

colou?r matches color and colour.

end-?user matches enduser and end-user.

$ Matches the end of the string. end$ matches the end, but not the ending.
^ Matches the beginning of the string.

The ^ metacharacter can also be used in bracket expressions.

^severity matches severity level 5, but not The severity is 5.
. Matches any single character. matches baat, bBat, and b4at, but not bat or bB4at.
() Indicates that the characters within the parentheses should be treated as a character pattern. A(boo)+Z matches AbooZ, AboobooZ, and AbooboobooZ, but not AboZ or AboooZ.

Jan(uary)? matches Jan and January.

| Matches one of the atoms on either side of the pipe character. A(B|C)D matches ABD and ACD, but not AD, ABCD, ABBD, or ACCD.

(AB | CD) matches AB and CD, but not ABD and ACD.

\ Indicates that the metacharacter following should be treated as a regular character. The metacharacters listed in this section require a backslash escape character as a prefix to switch off their special meaning.

The \ metacharacter can also be used to construct backslash sequences.

\* matches the * character.

\\ matches the \ character.

\. matches the . character.

{m , n} Matches from m to n instances of the preceding atom, where m is the minimum and n is the maximum. Matches as many instances as possible.
Note: m and n are unsigned decimal integers between 0 and 255.
f{1,2}ord matches ford and fford.

N/{1,3}A matches N/A, N//A, and N///A, but not NA or N////A.

{m ,} Matches m or more instances of the preceding atom. Z{2,} matches two or more repititions of Z.
{m} Matches exactly m instances of the preceding atom. a{3} matches aaa.

1{2} matches 11.