Work with My Workplace

The My Workplace page provides a portal view to several pages at one time and can include a portlet for external websites, such as your corporate website. In the standard Workplace pages, you can only see one page at a time. The My Workplace portal can display several tools on a single page. Thus, you could quickly view items in your Inbox, browse an object store, review search results, review the list of your active launched workflows, review the list of work items in a specific public inbox, and see the Author tools all at the same time.

The following graphic shows a sample My Workplace page from Workplace with a Browse portlet and an Inbox portlet. In this example, the Browse portlet is named "My Browse", and the Inbox portlet is named "My Inbox."

Sample My Workplace page

The content and appearance of the pages in My Workplace depend on your site configuration. Your site administrator determines which Workplace portlets are available for you to add to your own My Workplace pages, and your administrator can create site-wide My Workplace pages for specific groups to access. The following table lists the differences between personal pages and group-accessible My Workplace pages.

Personal My Workplace pages Group My Workplace pages
  • Are accessible only to a specific user account
  • Are defined and edited by the user
  • Include an Edit icon in the portlet toolbar
  • Are listed before any site-defined pages in the left sidebar of the Workplace page
  • Are accessible by members of specific groups
  • Are defined and edited by the site administrator
  • Are listed after user-defined pages in the left sidebar of the Workplace page

You might have access to more than one personal or site page in My Workplace. All available pages that you have access to are listed in the left navigation pane.

For more information on creating new personal My Workplace pages or changing the layout of an existing page, see Create a personal page.

Portlet views

Each portlet provides access to standard features and functions. Because each portlet is smaller than the standard Workplace page, there is less space for displaying items, actions, and commands. You can access the additional features by clicking links in the appropriate portlet.

For example, the Browse portlet displays items from a specific object store and folder, while the standard Browse page displays navigation for selecting an object store or folder, displays a list of Browse views, displays a list of actions, and displays a list of items. The topics in the section Work with portlet views explain how to work with each type of portlet. The topics in Edit portlet views explain how to change what is displayed for each type of portlet. For example, you can learn how to select the object store and folder for the Browse portlet.

Edit mode

The portlets in personal My Workplace pages provide an Edit view for selecting additional configuration information. For example, the Browse portlet must be customized to select a specific object store and folder to view. If a portlet has not been configured yet, a message is displayed. For more information, see Edit portlet views.

Buttons and commands

The following buttons and commands are displayed for each portlet as needed.

Help button
Click the Help button to display the Help topic for the portlet.
Maximize button
Click the Maximize button to enlarge a specific portlet to full size. When you maximize a portlet, you cannot view any other portlets.
Edit button
Click the Edit button to configure the portlet, such as selecting an object store and folder to Browse. The Edit button is only available for portlets in your personal My Workplace pages. See Edit portlet views.
Minimize button
Click the Minimize button to collapse the display of a portlet. The portlet name and toolbar are still displayed, and the details are hidden.
Back button
Click the Back button to return to normal view, such as after maximizing a portlet.
Restore button
Click the Restore button to return a maximized portlet to normal view.
Click Refresh to update the items displayed in a portlet.
Click More to display additional information in a new window. For example, if the folder displayed in the Browse portlet contains 25 items, and your portlet is configured to display only 5 items, you can click more to view all the items.


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