CIM upgrade considerations

The IBM licensed program (5770–UME, V1R4M0) is supported on IBM® i 6.1 and later operating system. After you upgrade the licensed program to 5770–UME V1R4M0, or after you upgrade from the V5R4 system-based CIM function to the 5770–UME V1R4M0 licensed program, you must start the CIM server before you configure the Common Information Model Object Manager (CIMOM). The CIM server starts a repository and configuration migration process.

During the migration, symbolic links are created; therefore, you cannot use the cimconfig, cimmof, and cimprovider commands.

Before the migration is completed, the CIM server is not available to process CIM requests; do not use any client programs.

The migration might take some time, depending on the size of the repository, processor speed, and system utilization.

Repository migration

The IBM Universal Manageability Enablement for i licensed program provides a repository that includes a set of files that contain the CIM class definitions, instances of classes, and provider registration instances. The repository is stored in the UserData directory (/QOpenSys/QIBM/UserData/UME/Pegasus).

The CIM repository is migrated to Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) CIM schema V2.29 in 5770-UME V1R4M0. During the migration, the CIM server is not available to process CIM requests. If you stop the server job during the migration, loss of data might occur.

The following objects are not migrated:

  • CIM provider register information
  • Static instances of metric definition in the repository (Providers dynamically collect information and implement the same functions as these metric instances.)

The CIM server log (by default, located at /QOpenSys/QIBM/UserData/UME/Pegasus/logs) might have the following messages related to the repository migration:

Message PGS10080
This message is written into the CIM server log when the migration begins.
Message PGS10081
This message is written into the CIM server log when the migration is completed without errors.

Configuration migration

The CIM server migrates the configuration file. The configuration properties are migrated and their values are not changed. If it is migrated to 5770-UME V1R4M0, following configuration properties are changed or not migrated:
  • logdir, home, daemon, slp, repositoryDir, tempLocalAuthDir, and kerberosServiceName and enableHttpLocalConnection are not migrated from operating system CIM server in IBM i V5R4.
  • If the value of property httpAuthType in the operating system CIM server is Kerberos, then enableHttpsConnection, sslClientVerificationMode and httpAuthType are not migrated. Property enableHttpConnection is set to false after the migration.
  • exportSSLTrustStore, enableSSLExportClientVerification, httpBindAddress, httpsBindAddress, tempLocalAuthDir, enableClientCertification, httpAuthType, passwordFilePath, enableHttpExportConnection, httpExportPort, messageDir and providerDir are not migrated from 5722-UME V1R2M0.
  • If the value of idleSessionTimeout is valid, property idleConnectionTimeout is set as the same value of idleSessionTimeout, and idelSessionTimeout is not migrated.
  • If previous 5770-UME version is lower than V1R3M0 and traceLevel=4, then modify it to traceLevel=5.

The migrated configuration properties are not checked for validity. If the configuration properties of the operating system CIM server are not set to function properly, this might prevent the new CIM server from starting and functioning successfully.