Use the compiler directive /SPACE to control line spacing within the source section of the compiler listing.

See Compiler Directives for information on the columns available for directives.

/SPACE must be followed by exactly one blank, and then followed by a positive integer value from 1 through 112 that defines the number of lines to space on the compiler listing, followed by at least two blanks. The remaining columns can contain comments.

/SPACE cannot be coded within a free-form statement.

If the number of lines is greater than 112, 112 will be used as the /SPACE value. If the number of lines is greater than the number of lines remaining on the current page, subsequent specifications begin at the top of the next page.

/SPACE is not printed on the compiler listing, but is replaced by the specified line spacing. The line spacing caused by /SPACE is in addition to the two lines that are skipped between specification types.