Disaster action checklist

This checklist provides possible initial actions that you might take following a disaster.

  1. Plan initiation:
    1. Notify senior management
    2. Contact and set up disaster recovery team
    3. Determine degree of disaster
    4. Implement proper application recovery plan dependent on extent of disaster
    5. Monitor progress
    6. Contact backup site and establish schedules
    7. Contact all other necessary personnel–both user and data processing
    8. Contact vendors–both hardware and software
    9. Notify users of the disruption of service
  2. Follow-up checklist:
    1. List teams and tasks of each
    2. Obtain emergency cash and set up transportation to and from backup site, if necessary
    3. Set up living quarters, if necessary
    4. Set up eating establishments, as required
    5. List all personnel and their telephone numbers
    6. Establish user participation plan
    7. Set up the delivery and the receipt of mail
    8. Establish emergency office supplies
    9. Rent or purchase equipment, as needed
    10. Determine applications to be run and in what sequence
    11. Identify number of workstations needed
    12. Check out any off-line equipment needs for each application
    13. Check on forms needed for each application
    14. Check all data being taken to backup site before leaving and leave inventory profile at home location
    15. Set up primary vendors for assistance with problems incurred during emergency
    16. Plan for transportation of any additional items needed at backup site
    17. Take directions (map) to backup site
    18. Check for additional magnetic tapes, or optical media if required
    19. Take copies of system and operational documentation and procedural manuals.
    20. Ensure that all personnel involved know their tasks
    21. Notify insurance companies