Maximum storage

You can specify the maximum amount of auxiliary storage that the system uses to store permanent objects that a user profile owns. This includes objects that the system places in the temporary library (QTEMP) during a job.

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The MAXSTGLRG parameter allows a larger maximum storage value than the MAXSTG parameter.

If the storage needed is greater than the maximum amount specified when the user attempts to create an object, the object is not created.

The maximum storage value is independently applied to each independent auxiliary storage pool (ASP) on the system. Therefore, specifying a value of 5000 means that the user profile can use the following size of auxiliary storage:
  • 5000 KB of auxiliary storage in the system ASP and basic user ASPs.
  • 5000 KB of auxiliary storage in independent ASP 00033 (if it exists).
  • 5000 KB of auxiliary storage in independent ASP 00034 (if it exists).
This provides a total of 15 000 KB of auxiliary storage from the whole system.
When planning maximum storage for user profiles, consider the following system functions, which can affect the maximum storage needed by a user:
  • A restore operation first assigns the storage to the user doing the restore operation, and then transfers the objects to the OWNER. Users who do large restore operations should have MAXSTG(*NOMAX) or MAXSTGLRG(*NOMAX) in their user profiles.
  • The user profile that owns a journal receiver is assigned the storage as the receiver size grows. If new receivers are created, the storage continues to be assigned to the user profile that owns the active journal receiver. Users who own active journal receivers should have MAXSTG(*NOMAX) or MAXSTGLRG(*NOMAX) in their user profiles.
  • If a user profile specifies OWNER(*GRPPRF), ownership of any object created by the user is transferred to the group profile after the object is created. However, the user creating the object must have adequate storage to contain any created object before the object ownership is transferred to the group profile.
  • The system assigns storage for the descriptions of objects that are placed in a library to the owner of that library. This is true even if the objects are owned by another user profile. Examples of such descriptions are text and program references.
  • The system assigns storage to the user profile for temporary objects that are used during job processing. Examples of such objects are commitment control blocks, file editing spaces, and documents.
Table 1. Possible values for MAXSTG and MAXSTGLRG:
Value Description
*NOMAX As much storage as required can be assigned to this profile.
maximum- KB Specify the maximum amount of storage in kilobytes (1 kilobyte equals 1024 bytes) that can be assigned to this user profile.