strcat() — Concatenate Strings


#include <string.h>
char *strcat(char *string1, const char *string2);

Language Level





The strcat() function concatenates string2 to string1 and ends the resulting string with the null character.

The strcat() function operates on null-ended strings. The string arguments to the function should contain a null character (\0) that marks the end of the string. No length checking is performed. You should not use a literal string for a string1 value, although string2 may be a literal string.

If the storage of string1 overlaps the storage of string2, the behavior is undefined.

Return Value

The strcat() function returns a pointer to the concatenated string (string1).


This example creates the string "computer program" using strcat().
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 40
int main(void)
  char buffer1[SIZE] = "computer";
  char * ptr;
  ptr = strcat( buffer1, " program" );
  printf( "buffer1 = %s\n", buffer1 );
/*****************  Output should be similar to:  *****************
buffer1 = computer program

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